<—-trying to imagine 6000 lumens aimed at a deluge of rain. Gonna light some stuff up, for sure! Maybe not very far away, but like a miniature city’s worth of light coming out of your hand with all that rain to act as a diffuser! :smiley:

That would be a no on the “Bronze Color”. That was done by baking it in an oven.
Soooooo, you could do it yourself if you wish. Just be sure to disassemble it first of course……… :wink:

Hahaha cute J-Dub74!
Looking forward for N
moah! :smiley:

Yes the idea was packaging (so including the protective thing around the box)
But dropped more and from higher then asked so I am cool with this :wink:

Welcome new members, will update list later.
(Sorry lots to reply to and little time)

Thanks, The Miller.

Thanks, Teacher.

I did not read the entire (not even close!) build thread.

In the oven for the bronze!! I think the color is very stylish.

I would like to be added to the list for a one :slight_smile:

It should be fun any time there’s something in the air. :slight_smile:
One night we had frozen fog, so I pointed a light out the front door and took a picture:

Shoot, I'll post pics. The prototypes I got came in, what appears, the same box they used in the drop test, plus the light in one of those bubble wrap bags. What was nice, since they sent two, the two were in one bigger heavier box, so thought they were very well protected.

That looks pretty cool!!! :+1:

Hello Miller, can you put me for 2 more lights, I am Nr 1006 in the list.

You mean 9P? :+1:


Good to see the Q8 another step closer. Will hopefully beat the introduction of tax on imports to Australia on 1st July!

Back to the subject of flashy modes, etc. My ultimate light would have a setting to allow a timed delay for on (as per a camera 10 sec timer), and a set (or adjustable) period before turning off (e.g. 10 secs). This would allow for hands free light on/off for when doing light painting photography solo. Not sure many other people need that setting though - interestingly the lume cube, popular with photographers lacks a delay on function.

Looks awesome. Congrats to the development team.

Also, I think TK’s lightning storm mode sounds like a great idea. :slight_smile:

I would vote for strobe turned off by default.

strobe turned off by default

Here's how proto #2 and #3 came. They did come in a bigger well padded box though, but of course this is how it was shipped from ThorFire, not the retailer Banggood:

Notice the bulge? With that foam on the bottom, it doesn't quite fit.

Please put me down for one

Hi Miller, Can you please add one more for me? I’m at number 213 in the list. Many thanks.

Makes a father proud to hear his son say


I personally think that getting your kids to something other than stare at the tv or smart phone is good parenting. As far as I am concerned your doing the Lords work Brother!

Amen to that. :+1:

Lightning mode? Seriously possible? That would be amazing.