ThorFire Mother's Day Giveaway(Three winners are announced)

When I was still studying and couldn’t afford to buy my own favorite flashlights, my Mom sponsored me!

Happy Mother’s day to all the great Moms in the world!

God bless our mothers, for without them we would not be.
Thanks for the giveaway Thorfire!

God bless our mothers, for without them we would not be.
Thanks for the giveaway Thorfire!

A lot of good memories of her. Very hard to choose one.
I remember her at the beach constantly watching us when swimming
I remember her making our breakfast before school
I remember her playing with us
I remember her singing
I remember……………….

I don’t even know where to begin……
My mother has always been an encourager. To this day, at my 40+ years, she still hand writes cards or notes occasionally to tell me how proud she is of the man I’ve become (despite my feelings of occasional failure or inadequacy). She loves myself and my family with her words and her actions….always looking to cook and serve us when we visit her….and she is a good cook in my humble opinion. She is ever the peacemaker in the family always seeking to avoid and/or resolve conflict….praying for her children and other family. She laughs easily at my sometimes corny humor and loves to laugh in general.
Love her deeply.
Thank you mom!

My mom went to work full time as a ganitor at the age of 54 just to support my family as I continue to battle illness going back 8 years now. It was a great challenge for her in many ways. Honestly, I didn’t think she would make it long but I underestimated her strength. Then,last year she fought through cancer. She isn’t the same, but she made it through. And of course she went back to work for my benifit. She deserves only the highest praises!

I have lots of great memories of my mom, and lessons learned. I’m very thankful to still have her around. She’s not perfect, but there has always been unconditional love and support. Thanks mom!

Eight years since I held my mam’s hand as she passed away. I miss everything about her but cherish the memories of her.

Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful mom’s in the world!

I remember apple pie in the oven ...Dad off to war and mom by the fire sewing stars on a flag .

Mom has upgarded from a free coast aaa light to a red KD Buckle v6 and is still sad about losing her green Thrunite ti. She uses a flashlight every night .. by definition "any woman who uses and enjoys a flashlight a good woman "..She's a good mom too.

Happy mothers-day !

I’m so thankful and inspired by my mom who single-handedly ran a business and put my brother and I through college. Thanks to ThorFire and my mom!

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there!

I can’t say enough good things about my mother. She has always been there, in good times and bad. Love you mom.

My mom has been gone for many years now and she is missed. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and all that she did for me and my brothers.

Thanks for the GAW.


I gave my mom a flashlight once, it’s still in her junk drawer, LOL.

But I’d love to have a new VG15S to try again…. :wink:

I’m blessed with a mother AND mother-in-law who can cook wonderful meals. I get great food no matter which side I spend the holidays! :slight_smile: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY:slight_smile:

My Mom is still alive and kicking. More active than I am :open_mouth:

Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful mom’s in the world!

Thanks for the giveaway Thorfire!

Mom helped more people than I can think of, good job doc.

Mom’s been gone 11 years this month. At times, the memories seems stronger than when she was here. Funny how the mind works.

Happy Mothers Day Mom !

Happy Mother’s Day to my mom & all moms! Wish all moms a most blessed day! :+1: