A minus rude score?

Maybe SB’s got your score going in reverse since you’ve had 15 at one point :wink:

Hahaha! No no no, I mean Enderman with his one million positive rudeness; he’s the rapper!


That was when SB first implemented the rude thingy. I’ve been a good boy ever since.

negative rudeness score must mean you are un-rude, right? :smiley:

I’ve been unrude to anyone here since the beginning. I’ve might have used some 4 letter words here and there, but never against a member. And that’s the truth.

I wish SB would chime in and let us know when the minus rude score means.

Oh… Now I get the song… I like it!

Your video is not available in the USA

How about this one:

Isn’t being un-rude a good thing? Like you’re NOT rude? :slight_smile: For the record, you never struck me as a jerk.

Got it. Just not my thing with the synthesizers and all that cappy music from the 80’s. I’m a 60’s, 70’s classic, and 90’s Grudge kinda guy

I’m now up to a minus 7 rude score. Totally confused now…

But but but… She sings about the four letter word…

…Grunge you say? I’m a huuuge Alice in Chains fan! :sunglasses:

So am I!! I was devastated when Layne Staley died. IMO, he was one of the best rock singers in history. His lyrics was a painting of his life unfortunately, with the drugs and his depression that killed him….:frowning:

Extremely lucky that Jerry did a lot of the writing, both music and lyrics. Secondly, they became famous for their dual voices; so even though Layne is out of the picture, you still have a large part of the AIC sound with William. Sure it will never be the same without Layne, but it’s still super awesome they’re still around making records.

I bet you’re familiar with this: Eb—–0h2—2—2—2—0—0—0—0—2—3—3—3—3—3—0—0—0—0—3—0—0—0—0—0—0 :sunglasses:

I lost track of Alice in Chains after Layne died. If this was a known thing with hardcore fans, I have to admit I’m not familiar with it. That said, I still listen to all their CD’s on a regular basis.


Hey Glenn, did your rude score go up one point? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes that would be horrible.