Anyone for a Astrolux S42 BLF Edition?

I’m pretty sure I would still buy a presale light from Banggood as long as it’s not Astrolux or another “house” brand. Any of the other brands we’re all used to trusting should be fine.

The specs you list sound great. I’d buy.

If we can get something going like the specs proposed here I would love to join.

Sounds interesting, but I would also like to have temperature controlled stepdown.

Im interested

I’m interested.

i’m in

I support this. I love the 5000K, 219C, QUAD LED parts, but the implementations of the Tube, the Switch firmware, and the USB cover are …. suboptimal. Shame, it is so close, but yet so far from being such a great little pocket rocket.

Count me in

I received my test sample yesterday

I am tempted to glue that USB cover permanently to the host, its getting open so easily
doing the review I noticed it opened unattended on a picture later, likely when twisting the light to get the battery in or out

just compare to the great Klarus ones

to lock out the light a fast quad press is better than long press, if the light is in a bag a long press can happen very easily and then you got 10A from a fresh cell melting stuff

the UI is suboptimal that long press for on and off is way too long and annoying
Narsil or UTorch firmware is far better

Well, Banggood responded here

So two big issues are going to be fixed.
The Nichia are 90 CRI, the only thing are the firmware.

I would definitely be in a BLF version.

me too

I would be interested. My only thing would be a fully programmable light. I like em simple but I realize not everyone does. At the very least I like them to have mode memory. I typically use high and I want them to come on at high. That is just me though.

I would be interested if they did this. I agree about mode memory. I like it.

It is possible to install a TA Narsil driver dropping the onbord charging
keeping it is a pain in the ass mod like in my review

In for a blf model Narsil

I think the BLF edition is called the Emisar D4 Quad

but maybe Im wrong


definately a better light

Its not gonna happen, either way you modify it or get another small quad

The S42 need another firmware, better FET, copper head, thicker leads, added 7135 and changed head design so the TIR rests on the LEDs not floating 1mm above em