Talk about future projects and donation topic

The Courui D01 uses 3 18650 cells (parallel) and feels really nice in the hands IMHO

And yes please say what the shapes represent, that would make it easier to understand :wink:

In that graph above, you have blue squares and yellow triangles and red triangles, etc. Which cell does each of those shapes represent?

I may draw the shapes tomorrow to make it clearer, though my paint skills are terrible.
And I see that symbols on the 1st chart are different from ones on the second. Will make a cleanup tomorrow.

Now I just don’t even know what you’re talking about. Draw the shapes to make it clearer? I just want to know what those symbols represent. You made those graphs with the symbols already there. But what do those symbols stand for?

I added a legend to the charts, normalized symbols and updated the previous post. Hope it’s clearer now.
I added 18350 too, it took pareto-frontier from 1x14650.

Thanks Agro!

And OP updated with the latest donator and spending.
Text for spending:
30Q cells, 16,87 (received $16.70) by DBSAR to order 4 high drain 30Q cells for cell vent testing and take them through the worst people can do with them, very useful information with the ever growing list of lights with cells in series.
explanation, DBSAR is about to make videos for a new round of cell vent tests. It is funny and educational to see him abuse old and weak cells in a controlled situation. However with series lights like the GT and possible future projects people will use new and/or high drain cells. So many new members, so important to see what happens in worse case scenarios with good cells.
another nice thing, with Thijsco and Cawi we are now sketching how the Q16 could be made. We called the Q8 a “SRK type monster flashlight”, well lets say the Q16 is supposed to become a monsterly beast of a flashlight :smiley:
More to follow when we have things clearer but no worries, yet again a driver with challenges that is already clear to me while there has been NO talk to driver gurus yet :wink:
In due time we will start a thread on it, first getting the Q8 to you guys of course, till then the Q16 is going relaxed and slow behind the scenes.

Maybe somebody knows some links to “water proof” fans?
6volt fans
Size max 80x80mm
The higher the ipx rating the better but must survive use in rain.

I don’t have links, but what about “drone” motors? Are there any drones that are made for weather?

Ah that is some great out of the box thinking!

PP sent! Hope it helps! Thanks for the work of everyone involved in BLF’ lights!! :wink:
Best regards :+1:

Thanks MascaratumB. :beer:

Yeah +1 got the PP email. Thanks.

I guess there should be (pc-) fans for use in industrial environments that can withstand water, oil and the like.

More of a guess tho, don’t have any sources.

The problem is that PC fans will most likely have a voltage of 12V.

Most 12V PC fans run fine on 5V, only slower, so 6-8.4V should work.

Yes this is the idea

12V is max, most will keep running down to about 40% voltage, just slower.
Lowest V I see is 10
Bit this is from 2014

Although my English is not good
I am still very grateful to BLF
Especially Tom, TA, Miller, DEL ………

I am looking for a mid size thrower and this is the group that can help me I think. I have an Acebeam T21vn that I run with two 18350’s and I love the 500k lux output, but I hate the UI.

What I would love to have is an SRK style light running off four 18350’s or maybe three or four 26350’s with a T21 or better reflector that would give me 500-600k lux. The main thing for me is the size of the light, it needs to be pocket-able. A 3” diameter and 5 1/2 - 6” soda can style thrower would be a unique light would be small enough to always take along and powerful enough to light up things beyond the reach of my general purpose light.

Is this possible and would anyone else be interested in something like this.