Q8 Samsung 30Q button tops for USA - More in stock at GB price

Mine dozen are ordered! Hope the Q8 comes thru now.

Robert, Not sure if you are keeping track here or at the supply end. I have placed my order for 8.

Oooooo - hey look! A tracking number that actually WORKS!

Thanks to all for putting this together.

If they remain unclaimed I will take another 8 30Q’s

Thanks for the info. I used the LiIonW contact form to ask how the payment worked, because my order seemed to disappear without any option to pay appearing.
So you’re sending invoices for what we requested, including anything else added to the order, if I understand it.

Go for it. I’m sure there will be several unclaimed, just as there will be several Q8’s unclaimed. Easy to say yes when there’s no deposit required…lol

Jon should respond to you shortly. direct line is support@liionwholesale.com

You got it! That’s just an information request form, within a day after filling out the form you should receive an invoice in your email that has the link to pay and place the order. If you don’t get it let me know.

Sorry about waiting until today for the email. Had a 2 week down time from being on call and new computer issues.

PM sent, I haven’t received an invoice.

I'm late to this party but count me in for at least 4 most likely 8..

8 30Q’s have arrived….thank you guys!

Great chooma, now the wait for the Q8

How do I get in on the deal? I’d like four 30Q cells.


Those on the interest list below can now go to https://liionwholesale.com/pages/blf-group-buy and fill out the brief form. This will fill out a custom invoice that will be emailed to you within a day or two. That email will contain a link to the store at the group buy price.

You’re now on the list.

In for 4 if still possible. (Protected)

Hi Joris, this group buy is for the US folks. Shipping from US to Europe is outrageously expensive. M4DM4X has a group buy going on that would ship to Belgium. DEAL IS LIVE: 30Q button top (set of 4) for your BLF Q8

Please note, these are non-protected batteries

Invoice rec’d and paid.
Puzzled, I ordered three 26650 cells in addition to four of the group-buy cells
Invoice linked to a payment page where the least expensive choice for shipping was

Why not ship just one box? The offer to add more items to the group buy said they would ship together, I thought.

Strangely enough, I got a shipping notice for one package that contains all seven cells, and only one tracking number.

Hi Hank, sorry it sounds like your invoice wasn’t made correctly in that they forgot to give you the flat rate shipping option. The reason for our website calculating two boxes is 1st class has a 15 oz maximum per package, so if you’re between 1-2 lbs then two 1st class packages can make the most sense. But if you’re right in a sweet spot of weight and size and your location relative to us then sending it by priority mail in one flat rate package ends up being slightly cheaper, but that’s way too complicated for our website to figure out if we don’t manually put it in for you.

You should have had the $6.30 flat rate shipping option so I refunded the other 70 cents for you.

If anyone else ends up with higher than $6.30 shipping for less than 20 batteries or so without chargers or anything then let me know.

Batteries received, got a sticker and the plastic boxes as well.

Received mine yesterday everything is great. Thanks!