Free Ipod chargers - All SHIPPED but the newbie Helios'

The tips are interchangeable - you can get a tip for most devices at Radio Shack/Tandy.

See reply above. I'm going there later to see if they will exchange a tip for me. :)


really ty but if you read my post above "btw for Italy is not worth the ship/w8/disturb"

wont bother you was just interested to know about some chinese seller that have that cheap, ships USA-Italy take almost the same time of China-Italy, around 3/4 week from USA, 4/5 from China

p.s. Can I have the cat? p.p.s. don't forget to feed him for 4 weeks xD

I’ll take one, If any left. Very nice of you ChiX!

I've got a couple ipods and 2 iphones, put me down if you have one left. super nice of you doing this.

Chicago X Why are you such a disgusting Guy?

This is the private message he sent me:

"At least my (dead) mother isn't selling herself in Newham like yours..."


In order to get a fuller picture refer to the thread

Oh... ok. I see the posts now.

Count me in if you have the extras.

I'll take one if ou still have them. That is very nice of you.

how2, please refrain from trashing YET ANOTHER THREAD with your BS.

how2, No need to add negativity to something good.Please have some respect to the other members here.

I would love one for my iPod,thanks

How2, no need for childish games.

Noo, I was going try to claim the cat!

This only works with the iPod, tip #A61. You need to buy/exchange for tip #A133 to charge newer iPhones. The A61 may work with 3G phones.

List updated, cat not available.

I have an older Itouch and a 3G IPhone so this would work for me if I am lucky enough to score one. Thanks bud.

Thank you Chicago X, this is much appreciated! I do a very long bicycle event most summers - Ride Across Indiana (RAIN). It's 160 miles in one day and I'm in the saddle for most of the daylight hours. Keeping my cell phone and Garmin GPS charged is always touch and go, so this will be a big help.