Free Ipod chargers - All SHIPPED but the newbie Helios'

Noo, I was going try to claim the cat!

This only works with the iPod, tip #A61. You need to buy/exchange for tip #A133 to charge newer iPhones. The A61 may work with 3G phones.

List updated, cat not available.

I have an older Itouch and a 3G IPhone so this would work for me if I am lucky enough to score one. Thanks bud.

Thank you Chicago X, this is much appreciated! I do a very long bicycle event most summers - Ride Across Indiana (RAIN). It's 160 miles in one day and I'm in the saddle for most of the daylight hours. Keeping my cell phone and Garmin GPS charged is always touch and go, so this will be a big help.

If it comes between u and I ,please give it to him chicagox,Ty

Thanks for yet another kind offer...I don't need one, it would be too costly...I'd have to buy an ipod to go with it. Thanks anyway!

Agreed. Cut it with the crap, how2. Just drop it.

Put me in please! Thanks Lot for the offer

jamesearljonesi... , gen1.3_ and JohnnyMac I have stopped this a long time ago .

Please read the thread.

I said sorry but then read what he said about my mother. Now I hope you under stand my position. Look at the time he sent the PM.

As far as I'm concerned I have much wrong. He has stepped over the line. I have publicly apologized.


Thanks for doing it, I've got the Iphone 4 which I understand wouldn't work with it,and the shipping to Spain would cost more than the product, but anyway thanks for doing it even expending your money to ship it to anyone in the USA.

List updated.

I was able to order eight more units from Adorama, so those will be added to the giveaway.

Please include me in the list... very kind of you... many thanks!

Update: This comes with tip #A61

If you want an iPhone tip, it is #A133

Micro USB is #A97

Mini USB is #A32

Hi Chicago X, count me in as well

BTW- my cousin will bring your AA storage case to me in 3 weeks time, can't wait to use it.

Thanks again!

Edit, sorry bro, Im in Canada I dont want to add to your shipping costs.

Anyway you bought an extra 8 to share? So youre giving away 18, man thats a lot, very nice to do.

At first I thought this was an Apple product, I didnt know you could power things from a battery pack like this, very nice gift and useful thing for someone to get!

I bought these for the Lithium AAs - they were $0.995 each, delivered. That's cheaper than I could find ANYWHERE in quantities less than 500.

It's worth a couple of bucks to me to not pitch these in a landfill.

Last Call, folks. The last of them landed today, and I would like to start shipping soon.

Please PM me your shipping addresses to receive your item.

Wow that’s a steal. Thanks a lot x

PM sent. Thanks again X