[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

I’m considering 14 :stuck_out_tongue: posts :stuck_out_tongue:

(sorry, just postponing some boring stuff at work atm)

Speaking of posts, when did you hit 10,000? I totally missed it! Congratulations!

That I have no idea, I assume an update will be released before long now that they are available to program them with open source items. Maybe atmel studio has an update for it?

And update
the first proto is anodised
more parts ready (no word about reflector)
the GT is HUGE
feast your eyes (had to anonymize the girl :slight_smile: )

Omg it’s really huge. With huge size like this it should have been made into a lantern style light instead. :open_mouth:

With 8 batteries inside it would be quite a dumbbell! That little girl in the photo sure has pretty strong biceps lol.


I’d be very surprised if it ever gets much above lukewarm even on turbo and running until the cells quit.

A lantern style build was considered when we started this, it was even voted on but a normal flashlight design was chosen.

As far as I know, using the USBASP through Atmel still requires AVR Dude, which in tern requires a conf file. Of coarse one could buy a Atmel ICE, but I don’t want to.

Well that is much bigger than i anticipated, i know this going to be a large light but THAT! I LOVE IT :smiling_imp: Now put 4xXPH70 on it and i am sure it still throws and run turbo all night maybe for next GB?

@The Miller: thanks for placing me in the list. cant wait for this light! :partying_face:

That vote was when I lost interest, I really thought the lantern style fitted the 12cm reflector very well.
But I must say that a flashlight this size beats every category out there :party: I’m glad that I’m on the list, this thing is a must-have :smiley: :person_facepalming:

To (mis)quote Nick “Crocodile” Dundee:“That’s not a flashlight, THAT’S a flashlight”.
It is almost NSFW :wink: :person_facepalming:

The flat area around the switch gives it a slight family look with the Q8, I like that.
Then there is some L6 in there, the IMHO beautiful cutouts so nice to see that too.
And look at those fins so deep, very nice.
The girl on the original pic looks like she thinks “please take the pic fast” :slight_smile:

Holy phuk, thats enormous :o

Yes I was aware of that, and I actually participated in the poll although I forgot which option I have voted for. :person_facepalming:

Anyway I am on the list and I will still proceed to buy one (if the price is $111 includes shipping). It is going to be a nice collection for sure but definitely not something that I will bring to the outdoor often lol.

Is there an Optional Wheel attachment—-Wow—It’s a Beast

I voted for lantern style, and I never got on the list for this one. It’s an enormous light. That’s cool in a way, but it’s not very practical for me.

:slight_smile: Yes, it’s a crew served flashlight.

Wow! I knew that it was going to be big, but never imagine this beast! I’m loving it and I’m really glad that we didn’t go with a lantern style light :+1:

Looks amazing!!! :sunglasses:

I did notice that the holes for the shoulder strap are not aligned with each other and with the switch, hopefully will be corrected on future prototypes…