Upcoming New--Haikelite HT35 HD Zoomy flashlight (2300Lumens)

Any plans for a MT07 with an XHP35 HI + SMO ?

Available in Germany for 79.90 euros- approx $92.
Chinese lights are often released in Germany before the UK or US I’ve always wondered why.
Hopefully there will be a group buy for this interesting light.

Is it a screw twist type zoom or sliding type?

It is a screw type


MT02 only HD version… MT07 will have a xhp35 Hi version.

I always wanted to try out a zoomie. This may be the one.

we have US dealer now. But have not got an UK dealer yet

This light will be ready for sale next week

1km+! Nice.

The tactical ring, is it aluminium or stainless steel? It’s so thin.

i would be perfect if only using single 26650 :+1:

2x26650 has double runtime and good heat handling.

We will release single 18650 zoom light for rifle.

Very interested in the single 18650 zoom light. There is a lack of good 18650 zoom lights on the market!

Beneath this unassuming plain design belies one of the world brightest production aspheric throwers in specification. Unfortunately i ‘suspect’ the choice of xhp35 hi instead of xhp35 HD with a higher lumens and a narrower output beam angle incident to the ~66mm aspheric focuser lens means that the throw beam would be less straight and less impressive in throw than the HD option. :weary: The price is also pretty steep compared to its production cost.

The dome also magnifies the die size, the result is less throw even if you got 15% less lumens and slightly wider light cone

XHP35 HI are as well availiable in E2 and E4 bin
Downside is shipping costs below at leat 10 of them

I got both those LEDs

The die size is the same

For reflectors , the led dome will magnify die size increase spot size and decrease amount of light thrown from a narrow beam angle getting less contact with reflectors surface but For aspheric lens, the dome helps narrow the light beam and increase the amount of light focused thereby reducing side spill wastage which not captured by the lens. From my extensive testings with larger aspherics lens, The beam angle usually gets straighter and higher lumens is captured with domed led equivalent, giving incredible throw distance even thought the die spot is slightly magnified.

But i dont know what lens is used apart from the sneak preview beam shot which shows a narrow pyramid shaped throw aura so i can only suspect the beam is not totally straight and henced have not reached its maximum potential in throw.

the beam after the dome gets narrower, yes but the LED has a fix number of divergence*emitting area

just look at this picture both LEDs have a 1mm² emitter size, but the one with the higher dome looks like 6mm²

an aspheric lens does magnify the emitting surface to decrease the divergence, the dome is a second lens that already increases the emitting area the aspheric can see, so the hotspot gets bigger while more light is collected

so if you narrow the beam with a dome the emitting area is projected bigger

so your hypothesis of the dome increasing throw is false its simple optics
HD gets more lumens in Throw, but a way bigger area —> less throw

From my decades of extensive led testing experience, im sorry i have to disagree with your opinion. A straight beam of the same lumens will always out throw a divergent beam soon enough.

proof you are wrong

same LED just shallow dome and high dome
the high dome projects a at least 5 times larger size of the emitting area to the Aspheric lens
of course the high dome will have like 300% more lumens
result 300%/50060 throw

just read just one of the good aspheric thrower topics with cd measurements

Well my point is that a straight beam gives the maximum throw in potential than a divergent beam. it is up to one to find a good combination of aspheric lens and led to get the straight beam. The sneak preview for this light shows a divergent beam with a Hi undomed led so i think a domed led will give a straighter beam . You can proof im wrong only after you had tested both but not before my friend. As i say i only suspect its the case but it will ultimately be proven only after one has tested both so its premature to make any absolute judgement yet. :stuck_out_tongue: