"Hall of Shame" discussion thread

zanflare has a shill feeling bike light thread in non commercial.

looks like there in cahoots with huntking to me.

You reviewing some of the lights that come through this place would be like having Mozart review a Miley Cyrus album.

“It needs more cowbell…”

Add ‘genstattu’ to the list.

3 different people in recent weeks here only to post references to this brand.

dentrangtrihanoi.vn = spammer

I agree. It certainly looks like huntking is directly connected to zanflare… All posts except one are connected to them. THUMBSDOWN

Give it to me! :innocent:

Yep, looks like huntking is a zanflare shill account.

halolily17 is spamming for Cosmo.


Cosmo is just ledflashlighting.com, which is #1 on the Hall of Shame list.

Figures. :slight_smile:

lighting.philips.co.in = spammer


You asked for it

Guys, let’s respect Sb’s wishes and keep the discussions to PMs or another topic. No offense intended.

None taken :slight_smile:

i think zanflare is hype-y and spammy feeling, at least the bike light and who ever they’ve got pushing that thing


I’ve just seen Zanflare pushing one of their lights on a thread where someone was asking for recommendations, and that feels borderline to me.

I feel that people asking for recommendations are looking for ideas from real users like them, rather than manufacturers pushing their stuff. The manufacturer’s vested interest in getting sales makes me nervous in that scenario.

I always hit the “mark as spam” button on those kind of posts.

Manker already very popular lately, why and how they did the spam?
Sorry, can’t resist not to ask.

- Clemence