FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Yeah no new info so what I said in the post Yokiamy refers to stands

I waited too long already and don’t want to be in the last 1/4 of the list this time…put me down for 2 please.

I would guess after the Chinese New Year.

Please put me down for 2 … Many Thanks.

Haven’t checked when Chinese New Year is next time.

Yes will update the list later.

Approximately in week se7en of 2018.
Not all regions in China share exactly the same dates.

Ah I really hope before that but we’ll see :wink:

I’m crossing my fingers for that :wink: Early 2018 will bring uncertainties about employment (or certainties about unemployment…), and I would not want to take my name out of this list :wink: :+1:


“more concrete later”…. “you’re being too hard on us, give us a break”

Y’all are killin me, tough crowd!

Put me on the list please :wink:

MAh it is too hot to do concrete now, kind of a shame, would love to build the dam now that the river has dried out, maybe get a whole bunch of flashlights and do it after the sun sets :smiley:

Will update list later :slight_smile:

Why work during daylight when you can light up the whole construction area all night with just a couple spare lights and protos? One more excuse to stock up on flashlights… :smiling_imp:

PS: i bought one of those 10W COB floodlight that plugs into the AC and it’s quite amazing how bright they are with almost no heat. A couple of them and you’re good.

Exactly, that is why the FW3A is so important, easy to use with a headband :smiley:

Please add me to the list and i have to have what others have kakak :smiley:

lit OP updated
dang 825 already give or take

Thanks, this keeps coming up and I think one thing in particular is worth repeating again for readers who might be confused:

I didn’t create the Emisar D4 firmware. Tom did. Some of it was based on code from the firmware repository, but most of it was Tom’s original work.

How did I get involved? Around launch time, Emisar wanted some things changed and Tom was busy, so Emisar asked me to help instead. I changed several relatively small things:

  • added full thermal regulation with user-calibrated ceiling
  • added mode memory on click-from-off (default 100% 7135)
  • made beacon use current ramp level
  • made double-click toggle turbo (not just one-way any more)
  • made LVP drop down in smaller steps
  • calibrated moon to ~0.3 lm on Emisar D4-219c hardware
  • blink when passing the 100% 7135 level, for reference
  • fixed display of “zero” digits
  • fixed potential eeprom corruption
  • some code refactoring, cleaned whitespace, pruned dead code

Some of those changes were requested by Emisar, some were requested by people on BLF, and some were things I just wanted to change.

As for the FW3A… don’t worry. It’ll be even better. :slight_smile:

At your suggestion, I took a day off. :smiley:

There are certainly options, but it sounds like there is plenty of time before the FW3A will start production. The most straightforward option is to splice thermal regulation into NarsilM. The thermal code from the D4 would probably work with only minimal changes.

I’m probably going to try improving the thermal regulation algorithms soon though, because I had some new ideas.

And although it was “just some thoughts” a few days ago, now I’ve got a completely new from-scratch firmware almost done. So that might be an option. Or I’ve been wanting to try the FW3A driver’s light-sensing capabilities, which could lead to something interesting.

Things can get bad with too many cooks in the kitchen though, so I’m looking for guidance from Tom and the other FW3A chefs before I try to put anything in the oven.

I just realized the joke/reference on ToyKeeper’s avatar.

Palutena is the goddess of light.

That took me a while…

By the way, I myself modified (modified is a bit of a strong word. I changed 2 values) the emisar D4 firmware a week or two ago, so that it always goes to 100% 7135 on a single click, since people are talking about similar features. Personally, it makes for a much more useful feature than mode memory, because:

1: I can never remember the last mode I was in.

2: It has shortcuts to turbo and moonlight, but it was always keeping those in memory, which made the memory fairly useless, even if I remembered which mode I had used last. If it was moonlight, or turbo, I already have a shortcut for those. So I almost never had a shortcut for a reasonable level available.

3: It’s the highest mode on the d4 that still has something resembling efficiency. After that, we get into FET territory, which is far less efficient.

4: It gives a shortcut to the middle of the ramp. So if I press once, then press and hold, I can start going up the ramp from 100% 7135, which allows me to skip the lower half of the ramp. Want something in the 7135 range? Press and hold. Want something in the fet range? Press, then press and hold.

Anyway, UI is the kind of thing where everyone has their own idea of what is best. Nothing wrong with the D4 stock UI, just not my cup of tea.

I would also like to thank whoever did the comments on the D4 firmware. I don’t even know how to make a hello world on any language, and I managed to understand the D4 code.

That sounds good kaybl!

ToyKeeper is a goddess!

(Just ask Charlie Sheen.)