Ended-Allmaybe Giveaway 3 New Chargers

I’m in.

Thanks for the giveaway.
I am in.

I am in

I am in.

Thanks for the GAW!

I am in!

I always wanted a usb wall charger with such specs and display. It looks very good!

I am in !!!


I am in

time to test my luck
I am in

Looks like a decent idea.

I am in.

I am in


I am in

I am in


I am in!

Many many thanks. Good luck To all

I am in

I am in! Thank you.

I am in. Thank you.

Nice giveaway. I assume that you have sent the new model to HKJ for review.

I’m still using the excellent CU6 charger you kindly sent me a year ago (free) when there was some confusion over availability on eBay in the UK. No problems at all with it, and I keep it switched on 24/7.

Since I already have had one freebie, I’ll pass on this giveaway, but good luck to everyone.

I am in. tks

They have promised my one, but DHL like it very much (It has been on their truck the last two days).

I am in
Thanks for not making this Facebook-Only like many others!