Budget Light Forum Harvey Relief Sales Thread

I would like

1 New Tool AA


Edit: Payment Sent

Hello Dale,

Appreciate the efforts of everyone involved in it.

I will take the Convoy S2+ NW for $12

Shipping available to India,zip code 560040 ?



Astrolux S42 219C $25.00 shipped to ConUS (Pay according to instructions in original post above)

It will come in original box with original accessories, 2 each AWT 18350 850MAH batteries, and the Manker holster as pictured. The spare battery fits in the bottom of the holster. It has the improved USB cover and the longer body. I shortened the base spring before the new body came, butt it makes secure contact, and the AWTs are not dented. The light has been used very little butt I only warrant it to be as I describe. And that it will light up, not like the original one. :wink:

I will take
1x New Tool AA
1x Worm Stainless

PP will be sent this evening.

I’m gonna have to find someone to show me how to make a spreadsheet to keep up with this, I was in a lot of pain last night and am having to take pain meds so this is more difficult to keep up with than it should be. Sorry. Just now getting online today and here it is going on 5PM!

I have several telling me they sent PayPal’s but I haven’t gotten confirmation of that through the gmail address, making it even more confusing.

I spoke with a guy with property in Rockport this afternoon, about an hour ago, and he says the eye of the storm pretty much leveled the area, the damage is beyond the imagination and he says seeing it in person is so staggering you just wanna stand there and bawl your eyes out. This was a big rugged looking guy, and it was obvious he’s having a difficult time with what’s happened to his house there. He showed me a picture on his phone of the marina, looked like a stack of debris to me, then he pointed out a boat up about 10-12 feet off the ground in the middle of the pile of destroyed garbage and said “That’s my boat!” According to him, Aransas Wildlife Refuge is gone, as are most everything in Port Aransas and the entire Aransas County. He said he say a channel marker 5 miles inland, hung up on fence next to a dead cow. This area , where the eyewall hit with the strongest winds, is devastated.

Sent my payment just now along with a bit extra to help out. Wish I could do more.

Thanks for bearing with me everybody, I’m not used to using Gmail and they were collapsing all incoming of a single day, so I had to figure out their system before a dozen emails suddenly showed themselves. :smiley:

I have seen TV advertising for WalMart that says if you donate to Red Cross through WalMart, they will match 2 dollars for every dollar donated. I know Red Cross is helping a lot down there in all this, but I also know a lot of people around the country donate to them as a more visible organization. Difficult to resist a tripling of monies though. At the same time, local County Sheriff’s departments down there have spent ton’s of man hours and lost their own facilities or had damage, and the tax base is going to be way low with all the devastation, anyone got thoughts on how best to help and ensure it goes where it’s needed? For example, the TV has shown a staggering amount of coverage about the flooding in the Houston area, but virtually nothing about the damages by the Eye of the Storm to Rockport and Aransas County as a whole, so there is a LOT of help to Houston, very little help to that area annihilated by the actual wind damage. They also suffered flooding, and Victoria sat under it within miles for days!

ll take a Lumintop HLAAA, PM sent.

edit: PAID for, plus a bit extra to get a round number in EURO :person_facepalming:

I sent PayPal and a PM for one tool AAA, one tool AA plus some additional above that as donation. I appreciate your doing this.

…hoping for the best for the gulf coast during the recovery process.


Thanks DB to doing this.

So we need waiting for reply pm before sent paypal right?

The HLAAA looks good, but not for me at the moment.

I know it’s not much but will try and donate a few dollars to the effort in a few days.

Dale, what if you donate 1/3 of the funds via Walmart and the rest elsewhere?
When assisting with disaster recovery in the past raising funds was never really an issue, the problem was getting enough feet on the ground, in the right areas, without bureaucrats and egos getting in the way.

Is the Acebeam EC35 only in black, or are the other colors available?

I will take the S42.

waiting for confirmation that it is still available before i send the funds.

thanks guys, great work!

Ill take it if its still available.

see previous post. thanks.

One new tool AA please

I just saw this thread, so I haven’t donated or bought anything yet. But, I do have an opinion (surprise! surprise! :stuck_out_tongue: ) about where to best put the money. I don’t trust Wal-Mart, whatever they say. I know that Franklin Graham’s organization Samaritan’s Purse has feet on the ground and is helping real people. I’d vote to give the money to them. They know how to do the “real” disaster relief/aid work. I’d be afraid Wal-Mart might filter the donations through some “Foundation” which would reduce the effectiveness of the funds.

OK, I’ll take it and swap emitters if still available.

BTW, when sending funds should we use ‘For goods’ or what?

My 2¢ (preference) on where the money goes: something local, volunteer driven, with immediate impact.

Ultimately, it’s up to DB Custom to choose what he feels is the best option. I’m good with whatever is chosen.

Just saw this thread, too, and have the same misgivings. Lots of “charities” sprouting up with hands out looking for donations, and who knows how much actually gets to those who need it. Really need someone local who knows who’s doing the most good.

Ummm, no paypal here, any other way to do it? Plastic? Money-order? Etc.?

I imagine you could PM, get an address and send a check if all else fails.