Cheers all!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday!

We also make something out of nettles especially at springtime, pancakes or soups and such (we have “unlimited stock” at backyard, lol :smiley: )
They have exceptionally good nutritional values but it´s the taste that matters. Grandmother used to make them always when I was a little boy :slight_smile:

Sounds absolutely wonderful. Enjoy it. Happy birthday!

Hey happy birthday Miller Man! :partying_face:

Gefeliciteerd TM!

Happy Birthday

CRIPES!!! No wonder you’re able to organise group buys etc. lol. Happy birthday!!!

Happy Birthday :beer:

Van harte gefeliciteerd! :smiley:

Sounds all very nice!

Happy Birthday and best wishes to you!!! Drooling at the thoughts of your meal, everything sounds soo good!
Best meal I have ever had was at the French restaurant in Vermilion (Ohio) by the river, the truffle soup was divine!

Heheh wanted to start, my wife says, well why don’t you do it a bit simpler.
And minutes after that a friend pops in to play some chess
While cooking, simpler, I cut out the soup, we do a game and of course invite him to dinner if he gets his wife to join.
He returns, bringing a sweet home made banana/lemon cake, a salty cake with ham, a nice bottle of Cognac, and I still didn’t caught on that my wife had done a little surprise party.
It was a good evening, my son whipped out the 3 person chess game friends gave me 19 years ago, hadn’t seen it since moving here, all pieces still there, so we played, my son, friend and me.
Very impressed by my son, we havent played chess since the move, and not that often in the passed, he was only 9 last time we played. Not only did he knew all the moves, he dd set it up correct with queen/kings on right color fields, and played a pretty decent defense.
For those wondering, here is an example, though ours has better defined black/white fields, the shape is the same:

I think they let me win :smiley: They must have for I am and was not that sharp and our friend plays tournaments (although it was the first time he saw this and the exact movement of pawns, queen and bishop over the center “star” is really tricky for it can be that the move can go two ways. yeah that must be it :slight_smile:

That is a cool game.
Happy Birthday!
Sounds like a very nice meal and great day overall.
Many more to ya.

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag. :slight_smile:

Feliz Aniversário, The Miller :wink:
Be Happy and “Enlightened” through all your life!!

(Yeah, I know it was “yesterday”, but…Joyeux Anniversaire! :partying_face: )

Fijne verjaardag!

Happy birthday! And thank you for all the hard work :wink:

Happy Birthday The Miller!

Gefeliciteerd! And enjoy the French life, all could be worse I guess :wink: :beer:

I’d say that you should enjoy your day, but I can see that you already did! In style!

Thank you so very much for all the hours you and the team put in to making wonderful lights that will please so many people. It means a great deal for you to share your passion and to bring so much light (literally) to the world!

Happy 70th Miller. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. :partying_face: