:+1: Here’s to BLF Development
team :crown:

:confounded: Here’s to China TF QC :expressionless:

Tell us more about your dingus! :smiley:

I’ve seen camera/belt attachment thingies but I’m curious what you’ve got.

Got a photo or a link?

I’m really impressed by the BLF Q8 team’s work this far. Just a hobby project and stuff, and the result is at least the best SRK-like host ever. For a budget.

However, I - sitting in my armchair - know even reputable western manufacturers cheat. Tyre factories send hand picked and optimized products to be tested and less than surprisingly they perform better than the bulk product will. World’s largest car manufacturers compete in ways they can optimize and cheat in emissions test, screwing their customers into buying cars that are worse than they would have been without the testing process, related modifications and especially the so called “repairs” and “upgrades” after they are caught.

How could a Chinese industrial plant produce the same quality in bulk that their salesmen order or personally make or supervise being made in singles or dozens? More correctly, why bother? Not gonna happen. It’s a wild, wild East. For a 1st world entrepreneur it might be hard to understand they basically have no law or rule - regarding this stuff. They do as they please in a very ultra-anarcho-capitalist way that many dream because they never saw how it really works.

One thing for sure

for 40$ there is no SRK light outside you can buy and mod below 40$ to get the build quality and performance like the Q8

if you do not want to buy an unreviewed production run light, please dont do it
if you buy the Q8 and know Thorfire you should now many lights had issues

I received two Q8s. Installed solder boobed 30Qs… and WOW!

However, both of my units have one serious issue. How do I get these Q8s to tail stand? They won’t leave my hands. :innocent:


EDIT: Are you sure these were only $40 each… and not just the first $40 monthly payment?

I’m sure lessons will have been learned, and that Thorfire want to and will step up to the mark. ISTM they have been as responsive as they could, really impressed at decision to stop the line, acknowledge small failings and regroup. (Not a Manker). And I hope this will be the beginning of a very good relationship with BLF going forward.

We need the likes of Thorfire on our side. It seems The Miller et al have cultivated a good relationship with them which is all important, going forward, and not something that can be developed in a hurry.

Wow this is so awesome
1738 pre orders Banggood
14 orders at Elfeland
That is now
And that is 100,00% of the total number we had on the lists, like exactly!
BLF delivered spot on, just cool!

Dusty, many folks today have had everything handed to them and have never had to work a day in their lives. In short they are spoiled. The advertising drew them in with the promise of a great light (which it is), but the light they expected (heavenly music plays here) and the reality of a truly great light doesn’t play well in their heads. They expected perfection and got a really great light instead.

When the reality they live in implodes someday they are going to be effed bigtime, and the implosion has been long overdue. With everything going on today it could happen sooner rather than later.

I cook for folks who I like, but every once in a while someone sneaks in (not in decades) who is a complainer. I’ve always been able to cook for the folks who appreciate it and not cook for those others. I give out specific named spoken invitations so it doesn’t happen anymore. Now I have an inner circle.

Of course we couldn’t do a similar thing with the Q8, but it would have been nice to exclude the folks who think they are owed something yet appreciate nothing.

It’s not a particular country either, but being from the USA I can state that I’m embarrassed due to our unappreciative folks, but (I think) it’s more the latest generation. They have been given far too much and simply don’t appreciate what they were given. As I stated, when things implode, and it’s long overdue, they will be like linen in the wind and totally clueless and useless.

I got my second Q8 in, light works fine, switch leds work and are not far off in brightness. Out of the box, no cleaning or anything, with 30Q’s at 30 seconds: 5370 lumen. I remember the original goal of making a 4000 lumen BLF-SRK and am proud of how good we have made it, no matter the imperfections.

Utterly not on topic vignette. Re: Vanguard pictured a few posts above.

I was in school for my EE degree and was in the department head’s outer office. Chatting with the secretary. I noticed a model of the Vanguard on a cabinet. I said, why on earth would someone want a model of that rocket. It was a disaster. The secretary, in a low voice, said that the head of the department (who was through the open door) was responsible for the rocket development. And I still graduated!

Like the man said — kudus!


I think my post maybe came on a little strong, I didn’t intend it that way.
I think, reading your response, we tend to agree. I do agree that a dozen hand built models, are likely to be different than a production run. I have no reason to believe that Thorfire is changing parts, or doing anything, that is different than what was agreed to. My point was mass produced goods, are at the hands of the folks that make them., and like someone said above ( I will have to look u up), it might have been made on a Monday, or a Friday (or a Chineese Holiday :person_facepalming:) I think it says a lot, that production stopped to address the issues. I know folks are frustrated that their orders are not shipping, but from what I see, everyone is trying to do it right.

Ha Ha. Kudos !

So awesome to read early reviews and the genuine excitement of early light-getters.

I made my payment a while back (order #700-some) and CANT WAIT (well i can but you know what i mean) until mine arrives.

Might seem trivial and childish but i love when they say “i cant believe this was only $40!”

djozz, there seems to be something wrong with the “green” LEDs in your light on the left… :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to say that I’m so glad the mood has shifted more toward positive here. I think some people’s “complainer” module is wired direct drive! :open_mouth: Maybe they should consider upgrading to a ramping module so they can set it to a proper (lower) level! Someone already said it ( jokingly, I think ) but it was beginning to feel like we were at that other forum!

The dingus…

This is the basic unit (I think). Anyway, it looks the same. I bought one with a belt that is sized for a very tiny child. Note to self: don’t assume anything; read everything.


I received my 30Q batteries… Now I need some lights!

BTW if you order batteries, make sure if they offer the cases… I got 20 individual boxed/bagged/ AND shrink wrapped batteries… I had to cut each one free…
16 more tomorrow…

BrianK and I aren’t too far apart. Mine also arrived today. I will give it a once over, maybe a second over as well.

OK, my trigger finger is suffering from stuttering input syndrome 1/0, +/, yay/nay, sure/un, fun/food
I’ve had my 2nd Q8 in and out of my BG cart ever since I learned my code for 1 that I signed up for was honored for a 2nd
I got my 1st delivered in the 1st batch and didn’t feel right about taking another spot from someone
Butt now that it’s kinda woolly/bully…putup/shutup time, I thought I’d rather support the home team and pulled the trigger
Thank God I can pick my nose again without fear of “PayPal Order Reflex”

Seriously, thanks to all who made this possible.

Now I gotta learn to solder.

Definitely. Production runs, especially on budget items, will have a different pace of assembly, and often parts will be substituted that may not be of equal quality. I don’t judge that by itself. Mainstream brands and huge companies do that too, and sometimes fail.

I don’t mind if my Q8s turn out somehow unfinished. Budget lights I buy will go through a fine tuning process anyway.