Nice :slight_smile:


Wait, so is the indicator light ever supposed to be orange/yellow? Are there supposed to be more colours than just green?

Djozz modded it into another color :slight_smile:


I posted the images on Imgur and updated my post: Original Post

hmm, I wonder that happened to that poor second Q8
your first seems indeed done sloppy
not real nice that both yours had clear sloppy details :frowning:

Well, i finally cracked and ordered my second,

the code still worked a few minutes ago.

Hopefully i can get some batteries now. banggood still dont want to ship batteries to me. :frowning:


Did I read the headline correctly... Productions is up and running again?

Yep! That’s just a few post up the page:

So when Banggood said ” “Expect ship in:Sep.26,2017 – Oct.08,2017” for my last order they weren’t joking :slight_smile:

I am impressed, from stopping the line (what date was that ?) Recognising and investigating the issues, re-designing and manufacturing new switch PCBs including procuring new components, maybe sourcing some new fasteners, reviewing assembly procedures, building the next batch of 500 and getting them over to Banggood to despatch, took how many days ?

yes that old very well be true tomtom
the holiday coming sure pushed things along fast!

yeah sorry, I figured the topic title change would answer your PM :smiley:

This is very good news.
When will BG start sending out these flashlights?
Thank you

Nobody knows.
If the next 500 lights are ready they will probably start shipping today or in the next days, but that’s just a guess.
We’ll know when people start to report shipping notice emails from BG.
However, there is a big holiday coming in China, so even if it’s shipped, it may well stay put for a while as most of the country will be off work.

I hope I will get a notice from BG :smiley:

Thanks for calming my frazzled nerves d:

Hoping at least one of mine will be in the next 500 (first was ordered Sept 12, strategic choice not to be in first batch)

After that perhaps there will be a pause before the next 700+ go out. If so, not the least bit bothered. Good things come to those who wait.

On Sept 12 there was already more then 1300 preorders… Yours is likely to be out of the second 500 batch. :frowning:

Not too worried about the upcoming holidays, rather have it screwed together later than mangled sooner :wink:

Keep up the good work Q8 team :+1: