BEAMSHOTS and MEASUREMENTS by ZozzV6 (Currently 317 flashlights)

New flashlight measurement added to line 63 in the google tables. It is a remeasuring of the UT02 what is now R100 resistor modded. You can see stock numbers in line 62.

Thanks v6… damn u got more lights on the list…

Thank you! I got a few but I sold a lot and half of them is not mine just got it for measuring.

Some new lights arrived and I borrowed some old lights again to re-measure some numbers and measure lumens now with fully charged batteries.
The google tables is the same.

Here are the lights and the line numbers where to find them:
BLF Q8 Stock, just cleaned all contacts: line 5
Convoy S8 with SMO reflector, XP-L HI led and 9x7135 driver with biscotti: line 33
Haikelite SC01: line 36
Jetbeam DDR30: line 40
Nitecore NU10: line 45
Nitecore P25: line 48
Zanflare F3: line 70

New added flashlight measurements:
Imalent HR20: line 38
Nitecore Tube: line 50
Zanflare F1: line 71

New measurements added:
Emisar D1: line 35
Nitecore P12GT updated with current and lumens and remeasured intensity and throw: line 48
Nitecore TIP: line 50
Thorfire TG06S lumens and current: line 62

A lot of new measurement added today. Missing current and lumens for a lot flashlight and some new flashlights with full measurements. And some update on old numbers what last time measured with not full batteries.

Line 3.: Acebeam H10
Line 4.: Acebeam K70
Line 31.: Convoy S2+ desert tan
Line 32.: Convoy S2+ black
Line 33.: Convoy S2+ red
Line 35.: Convoy S8
Line 37.: Convoy S8 XP-L HI with flat S2+ SMO reflector
Line 42, 43.: Imalent EU06
Line 44.: Imalent DM21T
Line 46.: Iprotec I 180
Line 50.: Lumintop Tool Nichia
Line 51.: Manker MK34
Line 53.: Nitecore HC90
Line 76.: Ultrafire UF-6835
Line 81, 82.: Xtar H1
Line 86.: Zanflare F6
Line 101.: Very common hunting flashlight at here in hungary sold here about 30$ in a kit and 50000W written on it :smiley:

Some new measurements added. I don’t know them right now but you can see them in the change history.

The big improvement is that I decided to add beamshots to the tables. Yesterday took out 36 flashlights and choosed a place for flashlight tripod and for the camera and I memorized to be able to repeat later with other flashlights. I wrote the flashlight name, mod if they have any modding, current, output, intensity to the top left corner of every beamshot. If a light has underlined blue name it has a link to the beamshot so you can open pictures in multiple browser tabs and see the difference by switching them. If a light has more than one beamshot like the Brinyte B158B zoomie it has the other in the M column at extra beamshots.
In the GUIDE you can see the camera and lens type and beamshot shooting settings. And the whole gallery link if you just want to browsing the pictures.
I hope you like it and I will continue the shooting and measuring as I can.
A teaser with BLF Q8:

Nice job, man. :+1: :student: The bad side of the beamshot pictures, that you took them now, and some of the flashlights you do not have yet.
If you van more torches, PM me, and we find out the best way, to mesure new ones :disappointed:

Thank you! Sure I will contact you!

Now I made more beamshots. Because on the backyard beamshots the flashlights under 500 lumens looked so dim I made some photos on a wall at around 4m distance.
I will continue making the beamshots and try to make as much as I can. And I hope almost all lights will be having a backyard and a wall beamshot too.
The backyard beamshot linked to flashlight name and the wall beamshot is linked to led type.

Just notice why S2 in line 33 output is too low 670 Lumen while S2(line 37) with same emitter current(2.8) is 810 lumen even lower than S+ with 2.1A in line 35 .

I noticed that too. And I started replacing things and putted the S2 internals to the S8 with the S2 reflector. The S2 reflector is much deeper than S2+ After that I swapped the S2 reflector with an S2+ SMO reflector. And the Clear S2+ in line 37 comes with AR coated lens as stock.

So I added one 7135 to the S8 driver and measured it with S2 deep reflector (line44) 723 lumens
Then replaced it to flat S2+ SMO reflector (line 45) 786 lumens
Then putted in AR coated lens (line 46) 819 lumens

So deep reflector resulted less lumens and narrower spill. And then small changes added up the gains.

Added about 20 flashlight lumens and intensity and throw measurements.
Mostly Maglite-s, Ledlensers, Nitecores, a few HaikeLites and some other what two hungarian forum member bringed to me to measure them at a little flashlight meeting. :slight_smile:

It was cold outside. Thiswas shot a few minutes after I brought them inside the house:

And I told that I don’t have any maglites so I got a few years old one as a gift.

After one day of use I have big plans with it.

Added more than 30 beamshots today.

Added a few more flashlights in the past.
Emisar D1S
Convoy S9
Nitecore HC33
Nitecore SRT9
Lumintop Prince SS
Brinyte B158B stock
Convoy L2 XP-L HI stock
Convoy L2 dedomed good old XP-G2 S4 2B
Sofirn SP32A

Sorry if I forgotted something. I also made a lot new beamshots and those will be added soon.
And I made an Instagram with the same username as here so look for:

Beamshots added to the following flashlights:
Brinyte B158B
Convoy L2 XP-L HI
Convoy L2 SST40 mod
Convoy L6 XHP70 N4 1C
Convoy S2+ Clear
Convoy S8 XP-L HI 3,15A mod
Convoy S9
Emisar D1S XP-L HI V2 3A
Jaxman E2L triple XP-L HI mod
Lumintop Prince SS
Sofirn SP32A
Nitecore HC33
Nitecore SRT9
Zanflare F3

This is very useful. Thanks z6.

You are welcome.
Today I got my Emisar D4 XP-G2 S4 3D which is alreade in the tables with current and lumens measurement only. It is daytime here so I will made beamshots and throw measurements later.
And by the way I got the best present in my life the day before yesterday:
My first daugter was born!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.