ReyLight Pineapple mini (copper) AAA/10440 flashlight (OP Updated)

i made a mistake in my previous post.
i do not need an extra assembly and put me down
for amazon, please.

apologies and thank you.

I'm take two please

Any chance you can do a special edition version of brass pineapple aa with same trit amount and positions of lan ti?

In for the fixed version w/assembly. (Amazon)

Guess Iā€™ve hit my forum question limitā€¦

Payment sent! Will do a quick review/overviw when it gets here :slight_smile:

Pineapple Lightsā€¦

Sorry. Iā€™m not sure. As long as there are some interests.

Paypal sent, thanks

I am interested to buy 1.

On amazon now. Code: GL497KM4

Gr8! Just ordered. thx! :+1:

Ordered 2!

Amazon ordered. Thanks.

Thank you. Your earlier message showed you want a new driver assembly.

Ordered with Amazon Prime.


No, you must have been mistaken. I didnā€™t mention this.

In any case I wanted to see how this light behaves in person. If I find that it needs to be rectified Iā€™ll send you a PM. So glad that we have you regularly churning out new lights for the community. I (& Iā€™m sure many of us) wish you continual success in your endeavors! :+1:

I meant pc_light, quote: ā€œAmazon + 1x Driver (correction) Assembly


My fault! :disappointed: Too early in the morning when I read this msg. Geez, you even explicitly quoted PC_light :person_facepalming: Sorry Rey

Amazon ordered.