BLF GT logo discussion.

Photon Emitter*

Either would look great, I think the 2nd one would look neat on the tailcap.

I agree, I like this one as well, this is what I was looking for on the tailcap.

For the round area under the button something like the E design above except with the bunny in the center instead of the other thing might work. Although we really need to fit lumintop in somewhere.

We also need the design as a printable format in high resolution. This is what we could not find.


Texas Ace:
Lumintop logo can be on the tailcap end. Round logo at a round place looks good.

Unknown font on the Q8 logo, so i had to improvise a little for the letters GT.

I thought the logo was supposed to go on the flat spots on the body tube.

Actually it seems to make sense to have it on the head or tailcap, the flat spots on the body tube will likely not be aligned to the head so it ends up being one weird logo somewhere randomly positioned around the light

Are you a member of the BLF GT Team bobdotorg? I think your post is very disrespecful to the BLF GT team. If you want to suggest something do it on the GT topic and don't start a different post because it might create confusion. Did you even get on the list?

Meh, post 2 contains a disclaimer, and dedicated topics make it easier possible to find specific things later on.

We have no way to line up wht ebody tube or the head with the switch, so the only place that we can make sure it is always lined up in the area below the switch. This is the planned location for first logo with another one on the tailcap with the CE/rohs logos.

Why does it need to be lined up? It’s just a logo.
Almost every other flashlight has the logo somewhere on the body tube, regardless of it lining up with anything.

The “giggles” was on the body tube too.

logo definitely needs a smiley

Updated versions, font as in Q8 logo, some improvements…

2 versions, one with larger bunny symbol.
Q8 logo (version E) for comparison.

Now i’m going to sleep, it’s 4:31 AM here…

nvanlaar wrote: I like this. Create consistent BLF logo/branding that goes on all BLF custom lights. I like the Q8 logo.


Uh, there is no need for a vote, ‘giggles’ was just a joke and is not going on the final light, stop taking it so seriously…giggle a little :slight_smile:

Either of these with GT in the ZozzV6/DEL font. Also leave the battery tube with no flats, would look much more professional and less commercial. As for Giggles, absolutely not, would never own anything with giggles written on it. OP was not joking when he made it a choice, there was discussion about it in the GT thread by some members. Giggles just seems a little childish to me and not something a man should carry around.

It is perfect! +1 votes for this design. :+1:

If I’m honest I don’t really love that logo.
Looks great but it looks like that the bunny is the logo of ‘BLF’.
We know that it’s the logo of lumintop but other doesn’t know that.

Also I think lumintop’s name has to be on the light, they where crazy enough to work with us on this project.
They are even selling the first 555 at a very low price so they definitely deserve to be named on this light.

That’s why I like your earlier logo with the bunny on the left of the text.
I had proposed that to the team via the mail yesterday, just before you had put it in the thread :D.
Either lumintop or BLF GT on top, both the same color and ‘BLF GT’ sized so they are the same length.

Also, it might be a big ass light but there is limited room on the tailcap due it’s design.
There is only 28mm in diameter room to put some text or a logo on there.

Good grief, talk about having a masculinity crisis. It’s a bloody flashlight, you don’t have to be a man or a woman to use it.

Any of these designs proposed by Jerommel look great, I’m itching to get my hands on one of these so don’t really care too much which specific one is chosen.