Astrolux MF03 - new pictures + video



- Please kept me informed about this MF03 (7*XHP-70.2 + 1* XHP-35 Hi).

- This is the best idea, combining flood with throw.

- Any chances to make the head diameter bigger, say, 120mm (reflector 110mm), like BLF GT, better then Thrunite TN-40 and 42, better then Acebeam X65 ?

- What is the reflector diameter of the XHP-35 Hi, and each of the XHP-70.2 ?

- How long can the light stay in The TURBO mode ? Only few minutes like others, or any breaktrhough in the heat dissipation tech that it can stay in turbo mode for at least, 40 minutes or so ? Can the HIGH mode be 70% from the TURBO mode ? Can the step be 100% (40 minutes), 70% (100 minutes), 50%, etc ? (Olight X9 never exist, using small fan alone might not be a good idea, but a combination of water-cooled pipe and small side fan like Acer laptop might be a breakthrough).

- Hopefully it can make over 27000 lm and over 1700m throw.

  • Can the flashlight be flexible, giving choices to users of using 8 x 18650 or 12 x 18650?

Many thanks,
Peter Huang Wijono

Again without active cooling? All these big lights are allready boring.

Did you really think a bargain light company like Mateminco would come out with such an advanced design?

To have active cooling in a flashlight, the company would have to open an entire new division of the company just to focus on that.

Small companies that make bargain lights just can’t afford to do that. Maybe bigger companies like Olight can do it eventually and without too much expense. All that new research and development costs money, though.

So when we do finally see an active cooled flashlight make it to production (and not just slapped on haphazardly light the Ra light) I’m sure it will be expensive. Like when the very first curved TV came out or the first 4k tv came out. This new technology carries a price premium. Over time though other companies can study and copy their competitors and come out with their own active cooling system. Eventually you will see the prices come down and more lights will use it.

Active cooling is like bleeding edge technology. Olight tried and failed at it with their X9 Marauder. I think they are going to try again with a new light coming out soon. I forget the name of it.

We all agree this is the best looking, right?

That looks great to me. Just clear anodize it so you still see the machine marks. It would have that awesome raw aluminum look.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

Check out these pics of the prototype Convoy L2 finish. It’s a clear anodizing with no sandblasting. It looks great.

i will ask if thats possible ;)

I think it took Simon almost a year to figure out how to get the finish in the pics I posted. His normal “clear” lights like the C8, L6 and S2+ are sandblasted and don’t look as nice.

Maybe you could ask Mateminco if they can do less cutting on the light around the head in particular. The big slices on the head make it look pretty ugly.

Even if clear ano looks cool, but black improves the cooling a lot so the light has more sustained lumens

My guess is the light will use multi-emitters with TIR optics or small reflectors.

If it were a thrower with a giant reflector it would not be possible to have those super deep fins connected to a thinner stalk.

I don’t believe that. Maybe you get 1 or 2 degrees cooler, but not something you would actually notice in the real world.

Black or white are equally emissive. But polished shiny surface has really low emissivity. I think we should avoid clear ano of aluminum for high power flashlight as it can’t radiate heat to environment fast enough.

Nothing is polished. Just fresh off the machine then clear coated.

Black looks good, too. To each his own.

I wish we could get some more info on this light.

I put this info elsewhere as well. Maybe it is of interest? How hot does an S2+ get at 2.75A? Comparing an anodised Convoy S2+ with a fluorescent yellow powdercoated Convoy S2+

I think all color will be very close in emissivity. Just that the clear ano coat that maintain aluminum silver shiny surface will have very low emissivity.

It will be great if a proper test done on them to confirm or end the disagreement.

No, I don’t think it relates to lights this size. Personally I don’t let any of my lights ever get hot enough to step down. I almost always use them in short bursts. The only thing a black color might do for me is give it a few more seconds of run time on turbo which I don’t need. I’d rather have a bit more thermal mass to slow the heating up process.

For other people, maybe they want slightly longer run times at lower levels? I guess if the brightness level is just right, the black finish might allow it to maintain steady output while the silver might not. That’s a rare situation, though.

It’s not that big a deal to me. I don’t think they can do a silver finish anyway. It would just be a nice looking option that would attract me to it.

INDEED! :open_mouth: I’m losing sleep over this, gawd, to get more of run time in Turbo and all other levels will be Earth shattering, change life as we all know it! :person_facepalming:

What is the superior heat shedding coating!!! :money_mouth_face:

Ohhh the angst of it…. :person_facepalming: