*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Please add me to the interested list. Thank you.

Please add me for two more. Thanks!

Please add me to the interest list

I’m also interested in this project, add me to the list please!

Please add me for 1.

Please put me in for a second. In for 1st @ #263, if it matters.

You can add me to the list for two.

Please add me to the interest list.

I am interested. Please add me to the list. Thanks!

Interested! Please add me to the list.


Interested in 2.


Definitely interested! Put me down for 2 please.

Add me to the interest list please. Thank you.

Interested in one.

Very interested in 1. Thank you!

Have you considered making it with a 20700 adapter or is this nonsens?

That would mean a new body. I believe that would add to the cost and take it to a higher budget level. Using the same body as the Q8 makes it more budget friendly.

My Apologies everyone for my absence lately, I have ben going through some rough financial & family times these days, and recently been in a car accident. Trying to get back on my feet to get this lantern BLF project rolling for everyone. will take time, but its my goal to get this project off the ground with the help from other members on this project including TheMiller, ToyKeeper, DEL, Sac02, etc.
bear with me as i am trying to stay afloat with life’s downfalls.

  • Den / DBSAR.

We wish you all the best. Hang in there.