Re-post: How to deal with trolls

Definitely true that there are different types of personalities that don’t get along here. But this particular thread is referring to malicious trolls that come around with the express purpose of causing discord.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Absolutely this! Everyone, please make a concerted effort to do this, which will really take the wind out of the sails of a troll that is trying to cause problems here. Just flat-out stony silence is what (s)he needs to see as a reaction, until I come along with the ban hammer.

All of them. Please feel free to PM me if you see anything similar. Thanks, and sorry your for unpleasant experience.

SB, can you ban his IP address?

Thanks SB for taking care of business

What’s always interesting when I see this flare up is noticing, in myself, the “hey how did I miss that fracas!” — the evil urge to have gotten mixed into something better left alone.
Just walk away — silence — is for sure the best and hardest response. Good learning here.
Glad I missed whatever it was. Thanks SB.


Today seems to be an adequate moment to bump this thread :slight_smile:
Simon55 = Melin32 ?

I reported Simon55 to SB

I was having a bit of fun though. :smiley:

Simon55 is gone. Thanks SB :slight_smile:

Bump! Just because …. :person_facepalming:

New member LedBuy is a troublemaker. I reported him/her to SB. He asked me how many flashlight I have, and I told him/her around 60. He/her then went off telling me I had mental problems and accused me of being female. Whe the hell is that all about?

Lately it seems there are lots of “harsh” posts, derailed threads, misunderstandings and word abuse!
I do understand that we have “free speech”, and that we are free to express our ideas, even if they are conflicting with those from other members.

BUT, I always remember 2 threads when I have the impulse to answer to some of those:

It helps me to keep my track here, and I guess it may help to keep the friendliness that we have on this forum!

I’ve read that and hence my bump on this thread, cause I didn’t want to answer on that thread nor to “fire up” the posting!
I would say “never mind, you don’t need to prove anything to him or her!” :wink:

I’m sure you are a flashaholic and proud of that as I am and many other members here are! :sunglasses:
And there is nothing wrong with that :wink:

Thats one of the perks of BLF I thought?

There was a thread on it, and the overall “feel” of BLF has changed. It is still there, but is being shadowed by a lot of other “feels” now, for lack of better terminology…

I’m reasonably certain that’s the newest incarnation of FireFlyMod. Planned obsolescence ranting & oblique digs at the US in the music thread are pretty sure signs.

When I say “derailed” is mostly when “insults” or very conflicting themes are being posted, offending people directly! I know that many threads get derailed regarding the “original” issue/theme, and I guess that it is one nice thing as it opens some possibilities to discuss new themes or ideas!
Diversity of opinions or ideas are positive when contributing to some development or leading to a nice “feeling”, but it doesn’t mean that we need to offend each other :wink:
I like being “here”, so I appreciate the good vibe this forum normally has :sunglasses:

Thanks to SB, LedBuy is no longer. That said, I’m friendly to all. I don’t go out of my way to make anyone feel bad even though I might no agree with what they are saying. I just don’t comment. It seems some new members want to make a mark for themselves. They’re just doing it the wrong way.

Thanks for making me feel normal :slight_smile: