FastTech New Arrivals & Promotion

Grab the chance to enjoy 15% off Site-wide discount (use code: GINGERBREAD)


Grab the chance to enjoy 15% off Site-wide discount (use code: GINGERBREAD)


Wow . First coupon on Christmas . Excited


good discount but what to buy?

i rarely buy stuff from FT :frowning:

Time to get another classic: TrustFire Z8

Thank you Fasttech.

i have buy that HC33 if it too cool white no problem with one fluo yellow or pink fluo stick on that little glass and you have neutral white of weirdo pink color.

20 Hours left! Grab the last chance to enjoy the 15% off discount!

Authentic UltraFire UF-1508 LED Flashlight $29.59

Authentic Armytek Wizard Magnet LED Flashlight $55.39

Hope I’m not too late, but wasn’t there another code, “GINGERBREAD” that was for the 24th-26th? Tried working it and it didn’t “stick”.

Anything for New Year Day? :smiley:

Hi Lightbringer,

I cannot disclose any news yet but surely we will no let you down :slight_smile:


Hi Noel

You guys can ship lithium batteries to the USA correct?

I know some shipping regulations limit how they are shipped.


Yeah, I just got a set of 30Q button-tops.

Is there any flashlight Fasttech coupon for :slight_smile: New Year?:slight_smile:

Can you give me little discount of $5 on this headlamp

so that it gets the price into the $25 limit (above which it will go through endless and costly custom and VAT obstructions in EU)?


And for Val Kilmer’s birthday!

thank you so much …. I run to buy the most beautiful flashlight I dreamed of.
Happy birthday new year 2018 to FASTTECH for this beautiful gift.

Hm? Just tried it, it’s not “sticking”. Expired?

I have a nice order ready to go, but… :weary:

Works fine for me
I placed an order a few minutes ago, none problem