Astrolux S42 problem.

The little parts broken until i Open it, or did you meen inegve

I did not watch the whole bideo because it was buffering.
When i received my s42 and samsung 18650-30q from banggood the cell had a very thin invisible sticker over the negative battery end. Just in case you hadnt checked for that.

Thanks but the akku Work in my other Flashlight.

Bangood will send me also a new head.
Now ist Time to wait.

Ask BG to test the head before sending it to you. They process the order very slowly, I’ve waited 10 days before the they send the light head. Still waiting.

Ok i will, Thanks Ingeve, Hope the head arrive you soon

Hello Ingeve Please write when the head arrive and Work, i still wait.

Still waiting. When I arrive I will share impressions.

Today I got my head and the flashlight works finе.

Perfect i still wait

Please make sure you removed the rubber O-rings. I couldn’t get my Astrolux S42 to work until I removed the two rubber O-ring.

this makes no sense the o-rings have nothing to do with the current conducting surfaces

Those of you that have defective heads, do you want to sell them to me when your replacements have arrived?

I would give it to you as a gift, but I already sold my flashlight with the head.

Thanks. Still got a chance with balinzwerg though :slight_smile:

My head arrived Today, the Flashlight Works Perfect.
@ Mike, sorry i will try it on my One to find the Problem with my head. I Think Porto to Sweden is to much for an 20 Euro Flashlight.

It’s probably less than 20€ and I could use the parts. No worries though, just let me know if you change your mind. I can paypal porto costs prior to sending.

Ok i Think about it

Could someone please mention why, or post a link for the reason to use unprotected cells in this light?

Because current consumption on turbo. No protected 18650 can deliver 18A.