Site loading issue

Redirect issue is not happening now. Seems to be fixed.

Tried Chrome and Firefox browsers and no redirect.

Thanks for confirming. Are you still using the same device and internet service as before when it was giving you redirect errors?

Yes I am. Same device, service.

I couldn't connect from any device here in South Carolina. I don't know if it was just timing, but I was finally able to connect after going to the BLF Facebook page and then clicking on the BLF link.

Hi, roughly at what time were you having this issue?


First time I tried to load BLF was around 7PM Eastern Time. I finally was able to load BLF probably about 20 minutes before I logged on to this session.

OK thanks. I think I fixed a small configuration mistake that I made today, but please let me know if it acts up again.

I can finally go on this site!

Couldnt connect 3pm-9pm. Too many redirects. can Connect now but maybe a little slow … typing delayed

Thanks for the report. The slowness and delayed typing are a problem with your computer/device, not with BLF.

I had the same problem for about 6 hours. Site wouldn’t load. It’s working fine now.

I too was having the problem earlier this evening, cleared cookies, no dice. Tried my phone, nope. My friend in East Texas was logging in fine on a different system. I rebooted my router and got on, then lost it again. Again cleared cookies but had to eventually take an indirect route in.
Seems to be ok now, but of course now it’s bedtime. lol

Working right this morning. Just found it odd that it would work on wifi but not mobile data… thought maybe my IP was banned for some reason lol

Yep, that’s definitely something on your computer that is hogging the resources. What you type doesn’t happen on the BLF server, it’s all inside your web browser.

Yeah, possibly a browser issue parsing the page but I dont think it was a hardware issue…. may have been a scheduled AV scan. I havent seen it before or since. Glad it is sorted out…

Same here, yesterday. Clicked on the email link and it locked me out until this morning. I even deleted the sole cookie and it was still locking me out, until this morning, for some reason, after flashing the ‘lock-out’ page.

Win. 7 64, Chrome.


Hi, sorry but I don’t understand what you mean by the “lock-out” page?

The page that CHROME displays when it can’t get to a website, this one containing the ‘redirect’ message and the ‘try deleting your cookie’ message.

My GF was able to get on, using her MacBook at home, so I knew it wasn’t a ‘BLF’ issue.


I see, thanks. It was sort of a BLF configuration issue, but I think I now have it corrected.