Tell Us When Your GT Arrives (or is on the way)! [Formerly: BLF GT DHL Delivery Logistics Discussion]

:+1: :+1: :laughing: :smiley:

Is it January 2 in China already???

I feel your anxiety, now. My anticipation of the arrival will grow exponentially.

And to think, all because I was being a cheap azz and bought the batteries along with it.

I know there has been a lot of discussion in here and the official thread regarding shipping recently, however has there been any mention on when Australian ones will ship? All I have seen so far is it appears the US customers will be getting them first and then EU is going to be next?

I may be wrong but I wouldn’t think there would be enough Australian orders to be able to fill a pallet with them, so where does that leave us with fitting into the schedule?

I am hoping to get an update today or tomorrow as people sober up from the New years celebration. I will report as soon as I know more.

Mine is sitting at home now. Was dropped off with no signature

Well, little by little things are trickling in. No word on the GT's w/batts (U.S. bound)

The Op/Tech Hood Hats (2@XXL) arrived today.

Two padded carry-bags, are on the way. I ordered those today.

Two straps are on hand

MiBoxer C4-12 arrived before Christmas.

I wish they would just update everyone on the DHL shipments with batteries, a tentative shipping date would be great, it really is annoying to be kept in the dark…

No other flashlights on hand?. Kidding.

I feel what you're puttin down. It is annoying.

Hopefully by the end of the week. I won't count on that, because my shipment will get handed off to USPS, I am sure of that.

Mine was delivered today as well. Can’t wait to get home and try it out.

We are trying to get some updates. The combo of the weekend and new year brought all information flow to a quick halt.

Hoping it will pick back up shortly.

I hope so im on pins and needles this was my Christmas lol.

just saw this thread. got mine friday night at 10pm from DHL. driver had cut his hand badly and went to emergency room and finished his route late. everything works like it should. :slight_smile:

It’s here!

Well, like I said I did get my light… But spaced it on cells lol.

Anyone know the cheapest place to get quality button top cells? Don’t want to hack solder blobs. Prefer 30q

Still waiting for mine. I was chatting to Neal on messenger and he said this week.

I just received my additional opus charger from Gearbest that I ordered 5 days after paying for the GT… :weary:

GT arrived in Seattle, WA today - DHL left it with no signature. The box was a little rattly, which concerned me, but that was just the battery carriers rattling in the body tube. Everything seemed in good physical shape and well protected by foam.

[EDIT]: Er, I completely forgot to mention that DHL originally said the delivery date would be Friday, 12/29, but I requested a delay to Tuesday as I was out of town. I don’t want to mess up the statistics if anyone is tracking them.

Has yours actually been sent yet? Or you mean it will be posted this week?

Just got a text notice saying DHL Express parcel from HKG is on its way. I assume that’s the GT but I ordered a Real Doll too so who knows.