What are you drinking??

FireBall :smiling_imp: and Crown :crown: Vanilla

Pass it on :smiley:

On the rocks

Ketel One 700ml is about 19 USD here in Bulgaria.
I’m curious, at what price do you buy it?
Statistics only …

My liquor store sells 750ml bottles for $32.99. They don’t have 700ml bottles.

Thanks. No alcohol tourism then for me … :slight_smile:

’Tis the season

Is this good?

tomorrow it is

Reminds me… Samuel Jackson Pumpkin Ale should be out soon, if it isn’t already.

It’s great for a hangover.

After drinking caffeinated green tea for years, I have switched to sugar-free Kool-Aid.

So I'm going through moderate caffeine withdrawal.

I'm sure I'll be feeling better in about a week.

Currently, just icy water. Other than that, had a fresh-off-the-filter coffee and milk this morning to wake me up (something that for whatever reason, black coffee can’t do at all).

Good luck with that, Rac. From what I hear, caffeine withdrawal can cause even migraines.

I experience that every weekend unless I make sure to maintain my fix.

My daily jolt here is espresso + espresso + espresso + espresso, topped with milk’n’sugar.

Right now? Coffee! :wink:

Stuff like that is why I limit myself to low amounts every day. Don’t wanna become hypertolerant and need a lot, even because coffee powder where I live is not the cheapest thing in the world :smiley:

terrapin - hopsecutioner

Having some random selection of German beers. Went to dinner at a beer cafe so i thought id crack a few open at home after.

A glass or two of Bass Ale tonight with a slice … :stuck_out_tongue: