Skylumen selling BLF GT for 1000.00!!!

Vinh is the best guy. Trust me. He will never over charge for lights.

Hey, that’s cheap! I’ll buy that and sell it for $ 999,999,999.00.

Rednecks gonna pay.

I know people who would pay that much, because Vihn.

Just joking, like others mentioned, just a place holder.

Amazon/eBay/website sellers do the same thing while waiting for stock or w/e

OK :person_facepalming: I was going to say holly molly!! His site is very confusing, at lease for me :stuck_out_tongue: My bad :person_facepalming:

Long time Vinh customer here and yes it’s only a reference not the actual price…why he does that I dunno. He will be come up with a price a later date along with all his modified options for this light.

Yep, Wayne is the Man … remember these days.

Is there a discount code, tried blf, but its still coming up $ 1,000,999.98 in my paypal cart ?


Retailers do this when a new product is not yet available but they are already programming it into a web store.
This way people don’t buy it until the real price is released.

I’ve got a couple Vihn lights, they are great but the last year or so his prices are ridiculous, seems double what they were for what you get.

haha lol thats a cheap price!!!

Goodness! What in the world is that?

Yeah, Vinh is a very nice guy. He does not overcharge and offers excellent service. I know him since at least 7-8 years and he did fantastic work for me.

once he got enough followers buying his stuff he sets the prices higher

Just look at simple resistor modded lights

for at best 10 minutes work 30-50$

P60 drop in hand crafted by Wayne back in the early days … :slight_smile:

SST50 emitter direct drive.

Why hate? Skylumen has right to sell light at price he wants. He owns the light. If buyer wants to pay his asking price then let it BE. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. Seller felt what he wanted to sell for and set his price. As far as it selling for asking price it will a different story.

Skylumen does some decent MODs from his videos hence he can command prices he wants.

Buyers either pay asking price or walk away without ranting. Pretty simple concept.

BTW, I do not know Skylumen personally, but have bought from him in past.

Who is Wayne?

Electrolumens Wayne?

is he the one from CPF? :face_with_monocle:

For me I think he is overpriced as well. His lights are not built from the ground up. He was just using an off the shelf lights and ramping up the LEDs. If it's one of those custom lights from the ground up I think he could put up a price like that. The BLF GT was made through the efforts and mind of so many great people of BLF but he bought a light so he could do whatever he wants to it. But selling it for a top dollar price i don't think so. This is just the way how I look at it.