First batch was for oblivion, high failure rate and DOA, then improved
I do not know what’s happening with the current batch, Astrolux is not characterized by having a minimum quality control, it can be a lottery

Mine, from second or third batch, bought at the end of 2016, works fine from out the box

check out post #366

Thanks, I wanted one for a long time but all this hiccups turned me off, hope they improved the light, wouldn’t like to get faulty nichia led, don’t have those at hand.

Astrolux S41S SS - from $32.26 ($64.95)/ Coupon: 8A955D

Nichia 219B / CREE XP-G3 / CREE XP-G2

S41 22.99$ in the app

also colored aluminum 18650 tubes availiable now

Which is the lowest price for black S41, i only get 24 usd on BG with a discount code FLSTNE and in android app a price is the same not lower.

And which high drain 18350 batteries from aliexpress would be the best for turbo mode, those from litokala probably will not stand the drain https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2PCS-ICR-18350-lithium-battery-900mAh-rechargeable-battery-3-7V-power-cylindrical-lamps-electronic-cigarette-smoking/32390812333.html

For those interested, I bought the Mateminco S01, which is the same as the S41S except they use the 5000k 219B emitters. The tint is better (less green) than my Astrolux S42 5000k 219c, and both MF01 with 5000k 219c. I asked the seller and they confirmed it is still the 219B. The quality is awesome. Very heavy in weight and good heat shedding from the copper. I hated the Astrolux S42 but I love the Mateminco S01. It has memory mode same as BLF A6 but its much brighter than the A6 from ceiling bounce test.


I don’t have an account there, but could you let the seller know they’re legally required to state that the product uses open-source code and provide a link to (or copy of) the source code?


The details are all covered in the “COPYING” file included with the sources.

Ok I relayed the message to the seller

Astrolux S41S SS - from $14.49 $64.95 / Coupon: AC20

Nichia 219B / CREE XP-G3 / CREE XP-G2

Have to omit free gift for this price.

Ugh, I really didn’t need that… but there’s one on the way now :person_facepalming: Thanks freeme!

says 219C on the site

$14.60 US works out to $27.69 AUD.
I ordered a Cree G3 to go with my Original 219B, 18650 tube.
I run that one at 4 or 5 out of the 7 settings. not more.
Gives good walkabout All over light. with decent range
and doesn’t heat up TOO much there.
With another coupla clicks for a few seconds to check something out.
We’ll see if the G3 gives a little more range hey.

Good price but I already have 4.

I will resist the deal :slight_smile:

me too :person_facepalming:

Same thing.

I’m so tempted to do this. I’ll get the XP-G3, or Nichia 219C since I’m patient.

I know a driver you have that would go great in it!

was just checking out and S41 code stopped working?


Promotion Sale From January 24 to February 10. < Coupon is not allowed for promo items.