Imalent DX80 32000 lumen monster

Imalent QC sucks. I’m blown away why anyone would buy their crap after all the bad rap they’ve gotten. I’ve personally experienced their horrible QC. Never again will I buy anything from them.

Too bad Imalent has tarnished its brand name among some members here.
And looks like its QC is still not improving.
But we don’t have exact statistics of failure rate of DX80. Maybe that’s why people still buy it since it’s the king of flood right now and they don’t have other choice that come close. 32000 lumens 8*XHP70.2 with 8*18650 30Q for $217 is very attractive package.

I think so.However, I was getting Get bored of this light early.
I think that it is better not to buy Imalent from BG.My DX80 was also missing accessories, but I was told that it is irrelevant because I have not written it on the sales page :confounded:

I have had mine since release end absolutely love it. Not a single problem and I’ve washed it a few times too and used it plenty on turbo max mode.

That’s good to hear man. And it passed the water test as well. Thanks for sharing. :+1:

I’ve tried to set up my new 4K camera as best as I can to get a feel of how the DX80 looks to the naked eye. Hopefully I’ll get a f/1.4 lens soon and drop ISO so the foreground isn’t as washed out.

Got my DX80 earlier this week and I’m stunned. I’ll post some photos to include in this thread of my experiences of it and also try to manually expose to true to the eye representations. It’s tough with this light as its near vs far areas of emission go beyond even a top dollar cameras’ dynamic range in one exposure.

This is a US model, a few recharges so far have been successful with no charger issues. I built a dc-dc converter 12v car charger cable for it that is working flawlessly as well, maybe I’ll do a writeup on that one if anyone is interested.

What great and useful idea, please do!

I just got mine and its so awsome. So bright and floody i can see dust in the air at night .

Auch DX80 bestellte am 11.3.2018, heute ausgeliefert am 15.3.2018 mit DHL.

Gott sei Dank keine Zollgebühren, usw.
Das war wirklich schnell, gestern in Regensburg, heute in Scheibbs, Niederösterreich.
Was soll ich sagen, es ist Mittag und nicht ganz dunkel.
Aber ich weiß, alles funzt, keine kaputt LED oder ähnliches und sie kann wirklich hell sein, so dass ich das Beurteilen kann ein Tag!
Was ich nicht mag, ist das Miniloch mit der kleinen Drahtschlaufe, die früher oder später abläuft.
Die Lampe hat schon Gewicht, aber jetzt nicht viel mehr als meine Lumintop SD75.
War noch toll toll für eine GriffHalterung!
Das Durchfädeln durch das mitgelieferte Verbindungsmittel und dann die größere Schleife durch die Kühlrippen ist für eine gute Option.
Wer hat einen anderen Griffhalter, die hier passen könnte? . Vielen Dank

So I can reasonably justify/afford ONE big flashlight purchase between now and near the end of the summer. Not counting the BLF GT which I paid for in Dec.

What would ya’ll’s opinion be on the DX80 vs X45 vs X80 (or others I may not have thought of) with the idea of using it more than just as a shelf queen?

Die DX80 schießt weiter als die Acebeam Modelle,die DX80 ist aber auch größer und schwer.
Ich hab leider noch keine Acebeam X .
Es gibt etliche Vergleichsfotos auf YouTube, schau dir die mal an!

Extremely well done video sir! What’s the music, if I can ask?

Maybe add the Astrolux MF03 and MF05 to your interest list. I’m not sure when they will be coming out though.

Nice beamshots video. It seems like the angle is not wide enough though, was your lens not set to widest angle?

I just googled the MF03, geez it looks like a winner for an “EDC” ultra-bright.

Mine works perfectly. Made sure to buy it used from vinh. He wouldn’t mod this light but at least I was guaranteed a working unit.

got mine in today, charging right now.

going to test it tonight

How bright are your display’s?
I can’t see mine at a cloudy day, wanted to check the voltage but almost needed to cover the complete display. :person_facepalming:

Depends - as always at IMALENT.

It starts at “would you please turn of all the lights, so I can read my display” to “would you please turn of your display, the room is too small for that much light”…

I have 6 IMALENT in use, and they are all different.