Texas_Ace BLF Calibrated Lumen tube / Sphere No math skills needed - Several spheres still available

Years ago when I was researching building one of these I recall people were painting the insides with flat white spray paint, I wonder if this was the reason for doing it?

I remember that. :+1: . Weren’t they painting the outside flat black also? Seems like I remember that……

There are many different shades of white spray paint as well as finishes (low gloss, high gloss, flat, semi flat, etc…) and the humidity and temperature that it’s painted in can effect the finish (various degrees of flat). So there’s probably just as many variables, if not more, that just leaving the pipe stock.

When I was considering building my own, I was thinking of scuffing up the interior with Scotch-Brite pads to get both a more uniform level of reflectivity as well as more uniform color. That’s fine for a one-off build, but too much work for TA to do on a bunch of lumen tubes.

In order to get a consistently reflective finish, professional integrating spheres use a coating of barium sulfate (BaSO4). Using this in TA’s lumen tubes would be completely impractical, though. It would be a lot of extra work and money and probably not give any improvements.

This was one of the many things that I tried to figure things out. I tried both white and silver but painting the inside actually made things worse in my case so I gave that up pretty quick.

Most of the variations are rather small in the sense it is only a few lumens one way or the other but I like things to be done to a high level so that annoys me.

I would suspect trying to identically spray paint the insides would be more of a challenge than just adjusting for the factory finishes of the PVC pipes.

Yep, which is why I gave it up pretty quick. It made things harder rather then easier.

I am starting work on the rest of the spheres today. Hoping to finish up the 3” today and start on the 4”. Hopefully finish the 4” tomorrow and ship the day after if all goes well.

It depends on how many people I “hire” to help out (aka, how many family members I can beg, bribe and blackmail into helping out, the threat of no electricity should be pretty good motivation lol).

I don’t think the threat of no electricity will work. You have so many beautiful flashlights lying around, they can just grab some of those and they produce more light than any ceiling fixtures. They can also play on their tablet and cell phones.

Yes as I recall they were painting the exteriors flat black to prevent the possibility of any light escaping directly through the PVC.

LOL, quite true but the batteries will run down at some point then the truth will sink in.

Painting the outside black would stop the tube from glowing but would not help the inside readings. The black would simply absorb the light, not reflect it.

Painting it silver would make more sense but in my testing it didn’t do much either even on the inside.


I wasn’t actually suggesting painting the tubes inside or out, just remembered it was considered in the past and thought of it. It was from many years ago, probably around 2012-2013. I figured all previous methods had already been considered for these.

I only need this to see what improvements my mods make, and maybe get a ball park number of output for new lights.

Not to worry, I was not offended and I understand what you meant. :slight_smile:

I just don’t have time for a lot of extra words at the moment.

Good… cause I was not suggesting either…. just remembering & wondering. :wink:

Threaten to turn off the wifi. Lol

I’ve got xfinity cable with the xfi app. I can turn off individual or groups of devices with a push of a button on my phone. :wink:

LOL, yeah I have similar powers but that might qualify as cruel and unusual punishment in today’s world. :person_facepalming:

Ok, it was an all day marathon run yesterday with all hands on deck but we managed to get all of the 3” spheres finished!

I started work on the 4” spheres but they are proving to be MUCH harder. I spent a few hours messing with them but just can’t see to get them to come out correctly.

I still have a few ideas to try but if they don’t pan out I am left with a bit of a choice.

Option 1: Calibrate them for the most consistent readings and they will need to use a multiplier like most spheres in order to figure out the lumen values.

Option 2: Get them to read the correct lumens on the meter but give up some consistency (basically pointing the light at an angle can effect the readings more then I would like)

If its not possible to get them right om the meter

Option 1: Calibrate them for the most consistent readings and they will need to use a multiplier like most spheres in order to figure out the lumen values.

Will you provide a multiplier so its calibrated to your normal readings? If you do that its ok to me./Micael

Yes, naturally I would calibrate them to a known multiplier. Most likely something around ~1.5x.

The issue is that if I install all 3 diffusing sheets like the 3” spheres to get the readings consistent, then the meter readings are around 33% low. If I remove diffusing sheets to get the numbers up then it becomes less consistent.

I am experimenting now with ways to reduce losses but don’t have very high hopes.

How about using different diffusing sheets that transmit more light; something more transparent?