Need recommendation for my first general purpose 18650 flashlight (Zanflare F1, Eagle Eye X6R, Convoy C8)

Eagle Eye X2R is great. Wellmade and small. Fits in pocket. Three low to high modes with memory. Recommended. Inexpensive too on aliexpress. Great for general purpose.

And get 4 protected 3400mah 18650

Everything for less than $30!

Btw, getting less for a given amount of currency units…that’s normal, that’s how fiat money (money printing) works :slight_smile:

Wellp, take paper-towels. A roll used to be so huge that it’d not even fit on a wall-dispenser until you used up a good part of it. Now, it’s like you’re buying rolls that were already half used-up. Big fat rolls that are still smaller what they used to be are called “bonus rolls”, as if you’re getting some kind of “bonus”.

Yogurt, 8oz was always the norm. Then some sneaky genius invented “whips”, whipped with air like mousse that only held 6oz in an 8oz-size container. Then they just dispensed with that and went to 6oz containers, and now I’ve even seen 4oz containers coming into vogue. (“Diet” portions?)

Coffee cans? Always held 16oz, so densely packed that if you opened it to remove the included scoop, you’d never get the lid back on ’til you again used up a portion of it. Then, they shrunk to the same size cans, but only loosely packed with 14oz. Then there was a gap at the top… 13oz? Then 12oz, and lower, and I’ve seen something like 10¾oz or so. Soon, they’ll be shipping empty cans.

Yankee Doodle cupcakes? They were real cupcakes, about as tall as was their diameter. After a while, they got shorter, and shorter, and shorter, that they’re like tall pancakes instead.

Stella Doro anisette toast (zweibachs), used to completely fill the crackly tray they were always packed in. Now, they’re so… small, that they rattle around in the tray with lots of room to spare, and even the wrapping sinks in because the height of the 2-stacked cookies doesn’t even reach to the top of the tray.

And so on, and so on, and so on. You go to the market, come home, look at what you bought, and feel cheated.

Anyway… I wish we’d go back to bigger

I’ve read that “some settling may occur during packing and handling”. :laughing:

I get what you are saying Finnno , our cars and houses are huge. Half of us are overweight. Ford is only going to make SUVs and one sedan. Quantity over quality. Trucks are used for general transportation .Mine is bigger than yours :smiley:

Isn’t this what is known as “hijacking” a thread? Poor rhymeguy is still looking for a frickin flashlight.

He should get a big flashlight, then!

BLF GT… go for it… do it… do it… do it!!

“Jesus Murphy” We have all gone off the reservation here. This poor fella was just looking for a decent light. How about a SD Mini II then. Pocket thrower. Side light. Nice spill. Rechargeable. Comes with decent cell. You can get it for right around $40.

This poor guy is going to think we have all lost our damn minds. :smiley:

Seriously? All this nonsense gets this poor guy closer to getting an actual flashlight? Nope.

Do you think it’s a bad time to ask if I should buy a Ford, Toyota, Mazda or Hyundai?

Absolutely it does! Bigger! Go for the F1!

More power! Ahr, ahr, ahr…

Hi Rhyme guy, and welcome to BLF.
After snooping awhile before joining the forum I bought my 1st 18650 Li-ion flashlight. It was an Atactical A1 …I don’t think available anymore. It introduced me to the world of good batteries, tail and side switches, and was a rugged user-friendly flashlight. I still have it, use it and really like it. I got to see what the world of “moonlight” and “firefly” was all about by stacking little circles of waxed paper over the lens. Then there was 10 lumens , 50, 200 and 500 …holy smokes what a lot of light. I got to see what I really light in a flashlight …(to tell the truth at this point it’s multiple flashlights) and then focused my buying habits “more or less” accordingly.

In that spirit, I’d suggest considering something like the ThorFire TK15S or TK18. Maybe consider the kit with battery, they don’t cost a lot, you can order and get them quickly, if you have questions about what you want in a light, either could be a good place to start in getting that figured out. If you don’t need or want a searchlight …maybe avoid the C8 for the time being

I’d also like to second Lightbringer’s post #10 and the variety of choices for the 18650 tube lights.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions in the posts or log in and contact BLF members individually.
Collectively, BLF represents the greatest base of experience and know-how in the universe!

Well, maybe not the universe …but at least in the only galaxy that really matters. (Sometimes we go off topic and get overly exited about thing to.)

All the best,

You should have asked earlier :slight_smile:
No American product can match a Hyundai or a Mazda no matter what TRUMP attempts to do about it :slight_smile:

Oh hell, that’s just damn funny right there.

Go bigly :slight_smile:

Mic Drop……………………….

I am giving this guy a SF36 with a 30Q cell and a single cell charger and cable just for putting up with us. I even took off the crappy OEM pocket clip and put a A6 one on there. Just PM me with an address and it will be on the way.

I keep saying- this is the coolest, most generous, tolerant forum of them all; another fine example to keep my faith. Hurry up rhymeguy!


The man :slight_smile: