
this quite popular these days

just kidding :innocent:

Lightbringer, that would be the bowline knot - one of my favorites! Great for making a secure but temporary loop. It can be pulled apart easily but won't close on itself. Used extensively in rescue situations. So all serious mountain climbers, etc. can ties it one handed as shown in these videos:

Damn, I have so much to learn here :heart_eyes:
But you guys opened so many gates of hell with these links and knots’ names :smiling_imp:

I’m a rookie on knots and paracord stuff, and the one I do most of the times is the simple “cobra knot”. I make some bracelets, cat’s collars and also necklages sometimes…
So, thanks for showing me some more things :wink:

the Spanish Bowline has been my favorite since my time in the Navy…

Bowline, alpine butterfly loop, zeppelin bend, adjustable grip hitch, truckers hitch, secure shoelace knot, reef knot and most of all - overhand knot.
Whenever I need something special I use Useful Knots app

Objection! I do a great deal of mountain climbing and I’ve never even heard of it being used. It’s actually pretty useless for a mountain climber. Check that first video where he “cheats” and you’ll see why. Also, mountain climbers wear harnesses, even soloing climbers in alpine environment use them, so tying a knot around your waste when you have a harness is plain stupid. If it’s someone in a mountain rescuing another mountain climber they would throw a rope either pre-knotted or with a carabiner tied in the end so the climber in need can just clip it into the harness. If a mountain climber actually has to tie a knot with one hand, like tying into an anchor point while holding on, the one handed clove hitch is the knot to use.

The one handed bowline has only one real use in mountain climbing, to impress beginners or guided clients.

Me too. :smiley:

How ya doing Jack? When are you going to start an Instagram account and share some of your knotty stuff again.

Mike C, I stand corrected. Thanks! .

Just looked at your Instagram pictures , you’ve been very knotty !
I’ve been traveling a good bit lately and I haven’t had much time for hobbies . Always great to hear from you .
Keep up the great work , man .

Sorry to hear you’ve not had much spare time Jack. Hopefully you can pick it back up in the future.

There’s a great paracord and knots community on IG. I’ve found it inspires me to make more paracord creations.

Take care

I made a short video tutorial on Instagram showing how to make a Plafond knot with paracord.

Following the positive feedback, I made some more that I thought I’d share with you guys.

Lanyard knot…t&igshid=ksphznzf4k33

Snake knot…t&igshid=e7n5446lfl14

Next the Classic box lanyard, done in two parts.

Box weave -…&igshid=1nij8wtwt3v9r

Ranger knot -…t&igshid=tkfzzylxozr0

Then the knot I get asked about the most, the Monkey Fist knot -…t&igshid=op84dmod7400

New to this video tutorial game, all feedback welcome

My favorite knot, easy to remember and used every day, is the shoe tying knot that won’t come undone on its own but is as easily untied as the regular shoe knot. The only difference and the secret is to go around the initial loop twice instead of once and continue as normal. It won’t come untied and can easily be undone by pulling on the ends. The only downside is you have to start with the proper side a little longer or the finished knot will be a little “lopsided”. Try it on that pair of shoes that keep coming untied.

is there a knot where the final step is ‘pull hard for max tension’?

the truckers hitch —should be== that but isn;t

the real last step is ‘pull tight but leave a tiny bit of slack, now move your hitch to remove the slack’

i want one that doesn;t require leaving the slack - where the last step is ‘wrap rope around hand, brace with foot and put about 200 lbs tension in the rope’


Since this thread is about knots can someone tell me what kind of knot is this? I want to make a few for several big lights… Thanks! :slight_smile:

Edit, Sorry for the huge image what text do you put before the image to shrink it a bit?

Check out versatackle knot. It is similar to truckers hitch, but you pass the free end through the loops a couple more times. When you then pull on the free end to tighten you get more mechanical advantage, and the free end wedges under the other loops and keeps it from loosening. Sort of hard to explain, but you pull on the end really hard and it stays tight.

I’m an arborist by trade, my favorite (favorite by random preference that makes zero sense and also favorite cause it’s my most used) is the alpine butterfly. I use this all the time including the limb cinch at my main tie in point.
Next most used is a slightly modified version of the double fisherman’s called the “hitchhikers stopper knot”, the hitchhiker is my main SRT work positioning & ascent device so I tie that knot a few times a day, once every time I change climbing lines (a couple times per job).

My next most used and liked knot is the cows hitch. It’s THE knot I use for all rigging, no questions. There are very few things a climber standardizes, this is one of mine, if it’s a rigging point or rigging redirect it’s cow hitched.

Also really like the yosimity bowline.

Anyone else climb trees? Should we have a favorite hitch sub-section? I rarely go back to DbRT but my lanyards are all setup with the Michoćan, when I do run DBRT without just switching over my hitchhiker I use a VT variant. My basil / snake anchor setup is based on a 6 wrap prusik.

<img width=‘100%’ src=‘img-url-goes-here’/>

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I love his lacing. I am trying to mix a crisscross and the ukranian

I tried but didn’t notice any change that is the image I want to put at 50% for example

What code should I insert before the source of the image?