GB interest list for Luxeon MZ 3V 5700K 90CRI (9080 Nichia rating)

Ill take 3

Put me down for 4, thanks.

I’m in for 6, thanks

5700K is currently only available in full reels, so it depends on interest.


Change mine(post 3) to 7 please.


5 for me

Sorry, can you take me off the list? I was going to put these leds in my Q8 but decided to go with LH351D instead, so I’ll wait until you have those in stock.

I am interested in 0 MZs.

Edit: Sorry. I don’t want to buy them anymore.

I have enough LH351Ds for now.

Dang it. Put me down for 4


I definitely want three, maybe even four. Do you think it would be possible to sand down one of those new triple pcbs and the Cute.3 optic to get it to fit in a p60 host (as part of a permanent “pill”)? When you get them in I will also want one of your drivers for a single-cell with temp sensor and the FET on the LED pcb.

I want them for a high-cri “shock and awe” light for super high currents (basically an internal resistance tester that also lights up nicely :smiling_imp: ). Something really stupid that I don’t really need, but sometimes you just need a fun project.

Not sure how you are going to fit a 32mm mcpcb in a p60 host, since p60 hosts have around 26.5mm bezel diameter… However, here is a triple MZ that I made in a p60ish host using carclo optics: What did you mod today? - #4887 by vinte77 . The triple wasn’t that well received (I felt), but I like it. The mz leds built to a triple 32mm mcpcb plus cute optic would be very nice.

6 sounds like a good number…please put it beside my name. Thank you.

I don't see why you would want thermally inferior P60 host for very high power build, PCB will be 31.5mm in diameter and compatible with EE X6 host (I will have spacers and complete kit for conversion).

I’d be interested in 5 leds, if possible with 4 already soldered on an X6 quad pcb and one on a 16mm dtp one, but I’ll take them either way.

Because there are very good hosts for p60 pills which have “extreme” heat fins meaning lots of surface area. I own a Cryos M2 cooling “bezel” (head) which I have never had a suitable drop-in for. For a light like this I would think about using a fivemega cooly host though since it offers even more surface area, has a fixed head and is compatible with larger batteries.

These are rather expensive modding products which are in my opinion much better than standard, single-cell hosts from a cooling perspective.

The downsides of the p60 system can be worked around by using a special pill design.

The fins of the EE X6 host are not worth much, they are too small and too close together.

3 leds, please

Interest list is closed, LEDs are odered (long time ago:)), when LEDs arrive members on list would receive store discount coupons for MZ products.