Sofirn Special Deal for Father’s Day on 11, June to 15, June 18650 flashlight at $10.99

cool …SP32A 2.0 version

Please make different colour flashlight like silver, blue, red purple. Most people are bored of black :zipper_mouth_face:

Deal is live

Hi Tracy,

when will a new version of SP32A be available? I do not see AliExpress yet. Sofirn is my favorite brand. I have the types of Sofirn C8A XP-L2, Sofirn C8F triple XP-L2, Sofirn SP10B red+blue, Sofirn SF02 Red, Sofirn SP32A 6 modes/Ramping, Sofirn SP30A, Sofirn SF10, Sofirn SF36, Sofirn SF13, Sofirn SP33.


I ordered one.

This'll be my first Sofirn.


I just noticed something.

Does this have a side switch?

(I really hope not.)

EDIT: I'm getting the SF36 and SP32A 2.0 version mixed up.

The one I ordered does not have a side switch.

I ended up picking (SP32A) one up for my dad for Father’s Day/Bday gift. With a 30% coupon code, how could I not be tempted. Light, battery, and charger all for a Jackson and some change and ships in 2 days (I’ve got prime)… PM me for code details.

I’m pretty sure you guys are waiting for the SP32A V2 though…

No code needed. And the deal is valid now. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The SF36 with tailcap switch while the SP32A or SP32A 2.0 version is side switch

Thank you for above details :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The SP32A 2.0 version is ready in warehouse, and is going to sell around 28, June.
Please feel free to contact us to get a VIP promotional code then if you would like to try SP32A 2.0 Version.

:person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:

We did made several samples with different colors, silver, grey, golden and black.

However, the silver, grey and golden are little bit of weird. Need to do improvement as for those new colors. Do you love Silver / blue / red purple?

I like weird. :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not sure. it is like light gold!
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Those are both nice colors!

Picture doesn’t come through, all I see is a little “QQ” logo with “no gif” on it.

But the color that’s called “champagne” or “champagne gold” is really nice. I have a few fidget spinners in that color, really nice!

Anyway, I have a pink-pink XTAR WK50, a light-purple WF-501 host for an UV emitter (“black light”), so I don’t mind weird colors at all.

Convoy S2+es came in different shades of gray (probably unintentionally), some a nice charcoal gray, others a sort of blue slate-gray, etc., and I have at least 1-2 of each. :smiley:

So sure, gold, gray, silver, copper, bronze, other “weird” colors are fine.

There’s a shade called “gunmetal” which is a shiny light-gray. I tried looking for a picture that shows it off nicely, but can’t find anything good. Anyway, it looks like bare shiny aluminum, only tinted a light- to medium gray.

I have an old Maglite 2×AA and 2×D that are that color, and they’re really nice. I think the important part is the shininess underneath it all.

Oh, how I’d love to have a modern light in that color… I can dream, right? :heart_eyes:

I would buy one of every color. Grey and blue being my favorites. The wife may like purple. She carries a version 1 SP32A in her purse.

Very nice. And yes, color options would be welcome. I’m getting a bit bored with black; would love to see a silver, red, blue, green, etc.

Tracy, will there be option of color choice? I want to buy 1.

Why no applying ing the same deal in AliExpress store?

Tracy, is the ramping of the SP32A
2.0 version improved?
Looks nice with power indicator! Nice move :wink:

I wish that this was available in Canada….

Can you make a single mode light, I think I got too many muti-mode lights.
Got the Sofirn SF36 Tactical, thanks for the deal.
But for “Tactical light” single mode is best, you know it always bright when you turn it on, always