-X3- 4 years 2K posts quadruple giveaway has ended. WINNERS DRAWN !

congrats on your milestones!

please count me in…


I’m in!
Thanks for the GAW.

Count me in! Congratulations

Congrats on your 4th year! Please count me in

Congrats and I AM IN!

Thanks for the GAW

Nice story and some cool lights. If am in.

Congratulations on your milestone(s), much better than gallstones. :beer:
I will envy those who win, but am not myself enrolled in the giveaway. Very generous of you though. :+1:
Like your affection for the S1 mini my S1R traveled with me constantly for about 6 months, but now my D1 with the 18350 tube has taken it’s place.

Congratulations on your 2k post.

Please count me in…

Congratulations, i am in

I'm in!

Nobody understands me either! I have a lot of lights too and it a weird hobby.

I’m in

I’m in, thanks for the chance, congrats on 4 years!

In, thank you for the giveaway and for the nice light I am still enjoying.

Congratulation X3 :beer:

I’m in and thanks for the chance.

congrats M8!

I am in :)


I am in!!!

Thanks and good luck!

PS: if I win, I want the Olight S30RII

4 years and counting! Congrats!
Thanks for doing this. Count me in.

Thanks, count me in please :smiley:

Congratulations I’m in!