(BLF) Sofirn Q8 V1.5: The XPL HI monster, DIY parts + Extended 8x18650 tubes GB Interest List

This light should be popular among those that want to carry a flashlight as a self defense weapon. Add a several battery tubes and you have yourself a nice bat.

Ummm, almost 200bux for a 4pak? Pass… :smiley:

I got these for a buk each.

It was $7 for me. 2 day Prime delivery.

I’m going to get one, some people might not care for it. But I have use for the extended run time without having to change batteries. When your covered in paint overspray having to clean up some to change batteries gets aggravating. At the park it’s not as big of a deal. But I use my light for work. I would also like the q8 with a little more throw. Should be easy enough to MOD for those that want to do 6v emitters. But I feel it’s kinda over kill. All the monster can lights with 6v emitters all overheat in a minute or so. Ya we will get 12000 lumens for 1 minute with that set up. I’d rather 5000 lumens for a couple hours for my use.

I think that is a bit too ambitious. 5000 lumen is stock and it heats up quick to the thermal limit. 2500 to 3000 lumen might be sustainable.

Any news on this?

Not really.

Bump. Sofirn taking on too many projects

Yep. It is quite problematic. I hope one of them doesn’t go south because of this.

They are taking on the BLF Lantern project too, & were awaiting for updates from them.

I think and hope that they are building expertise as well atm (not only from BLF, they are eager to learn stuff and have some new people), and this hopefully results in better flashlights. But the process may be slower than we would like.

I prefer to wait and get a good product than buy quickly made crappy light.

+1… I agree & think the results will be worth the wait. :+1:

+1 …. Amen!!


Seems like making my own Beryllium Copper C17530 springs have sparked the interest of some companies to use them instead of bypassing springs.

Sofirn was initially planning to go with phosphor bronze springs, but after speaking to the engineers about my idea, they have decided to go with gold plated beryllium copper springs.

That sounds great BSM!! Good job…. . :beer:

I’d love to see a 3000-3500k warm white version of the Q8!

Good news! I liked that Sofirn went the extra mile with spring bypasses on their C8s, but it also seemed like a kludge coming from a manufacturer.

Actually we did make a Q8 but we are not supposed to use “BLF”, just Sofirn Q8.

It comes with XPL HI leds, 6000-6500K tint, some small changes inside and outside. All the driver and UI are the same.

For the long battery tube, not ready yet. Because we need to redesign the battery carrier, make prototype and do tests.


I personally think design a new light inspired by BLF Q8 is better. Such as longer battery tube, you can use 4*18650 or 8*18650. And use same tube but different head like 4 XPL HI or 3 XHP35 HI or XHP50 or XHP70.2. Then you can purchase parts and make your dream light. Just personal ideas, not confirmed yet. :smiley:

Oh okay. I will modify the title then.

And looks like JasonWW will be happy with CW XPL HIs.

Also, very nice ideas :+1:

:crown: :+1: