can I ramp the light up to turbo? Or is turbo only accessible by double clicking.
And if I turned the light off in turbo mode, the next time I turn it on, will it be on turbo?

Want to order 1 green CW HI no code yet



code please

Just ordered 1 green CW HI

Still interested…I haven’t received the coupon code

That’s great of you to confirm this for us freeme! Thanks for your efforts!

:+1: :+1:
I withdraw my complaint. :smiley:

My apology for the earlier confusion, as SC26 and MT09R are relatively new to me.


I’m interested too :smiley:

Interested in code and price!


I am interested in price

Ordered 1 Silver NW HD.
Thank you, Freeme! :beer:

ALSO interested in a pair off batteries 26350.
The are hard to get. Shipped to Germany

I still haven’t got pm message yet.

Ordered a blue NW HI. Thanks!

Can someone give me a breakdown between the led options? HI vs HD. Differences, Pros vs Cons…tc

HD = High Density = domed emitter
HI = High Intensity = domeless emitter, so you have a bit less lumens, but more throw.