hello from China

Welcome to blf.
What is your opinion which light is best budget and quality in same time?

Welcome to BLF AWTACT! More than 150 flashlights, WOW!

AWTACT, Welcome aboard!.

What do you mean when you say you want to make flashlights? Are you associated with a manufacturing company that can design and mass produce flashlights? Or Is it just a small business making custom flashlights that your'e proposing? Thanks.

Thanks. In fact, I have a CNC factory for years, I will hire 2 or 3 engineer for R&D.

Thanks! Most of my collection are Chinese brands.

Yes,maybe it improve in these years. My convey was bought in 2012. I will buy a new to check.

The majority of the lights we buy here are Chinese brands too but of course there are some good modders on this forum that spices up these lights and many products here are also shaped by input from this forum like the BLF GT. There’s just too little profit in the flashlight hobby business for American companies like Maglite or Duracell to venture into.

I will give away some of my collection

Thanks. Wowtac IMO, seems made by thrunite?

Thanks. I will giveaway some of my collection.

…Wowtact is behing Convoy.
Convoy is not advanced (i’m tired of convoy njang drivers, still copy c8…)
show us your collection please.

I wish you well in your new endeavor, AWTACT!

What are you making in your CNC factory now? Thanks.

Convoy=maoku=毛裤=Wool pants


I thought that might make you laugh, I was wondering about your post on Jaxman thread about niubility, I understand that as well and can be understood different ways, Chinglish confusions,
I like the owner of Jaxman very much and he has done me many good favors over the years but has a hard head sometimes, doesn’t like to have suggestion to much but sometimes he will listen,
I have all of his lights going back many years and yes Z1 is probably the best he ever designed and manufactured, next I like X1 and I always suggested to him to go with XHP35 in the X1 and he refused but finally he did X1S, I have the first one he sold, it was really bad then but much better now.
Welcome again to BLF, Chinese are great friends to BLF and help us a lot with manufacturing our designs.

Edit: Have you seen the BLF GT that our members designed and Lumintop manufactured for our group?
This is the support thread but it will give you an idea of what our members design, this is one heck of a light, BLF Support

Welcome OP! We usually have sellers from China, not as many people interested in the flashlights! Welcome to BLF!

Welcome to BLF forum. Since you have CNC factory, I think you can start off by designing batteries tube or tube adapters or handles first.
Design some handles, tubes and adapters to use different types of tubes for batteries configuration below:
1x18650, 2x18650, 3x18650, 4x18650, 8x18650, 1x26650, 2x26650, 3x26650, 4x26650, 8x26650, 1x21700, 2x21700, 3x21700, 4x21700, 8x21700

Pick some popular flashlights like BLF GT at this moment.

But I would say shipping cost is one of the factor that you need to solve in order to sell internationally.

And since it involve many batteries, put a note “use it at your own risks”. :smiley: :beer:

Thanks, I know that big guy, really interesting.

Thanks for you suggestion, I will try to do these.

No problem. Just to point out to you there are many flashlight brands now. Very competitive to enter this segment. Why not offer something others are not offering. You can look at BLF GT short tube selling at USD20 price before discount.