[M4Ddeal active] : Lumintop GT Mini - 2 authorized deals

I just filled out the form, hoping to be able to order soon. :slight_smile:

Martin or Neal, can you clarify if it will have the big letters on the battery tube? This is a last minute change that really bothers me.

Just ordered one NW and a short tube

Thanks Martin!

Neal will speak with Lumintop

Is there any difference in output depending on which cell is used? Does it need buttontop cells to work?

It has a spring on the driver so flat tops will work fine.

18650 cells can vary a lot depending on the model. So if it can maintain a certain voltage under load it will give the full output.

If you want the most run time at 4.5A (regulated output) you need an unprotected high drain battery. There are many to choose like 30Q, VTC6.

If you use a high quality protected battery it will have an extra voltage drop which means it will fall out of regulation sooner. So less time at 4.5A. You would need protection circuits capable of 7A, I think.

Both types will work to give full output, though. If your not sure about a certain battery just ask.

Thanks Jason,
I was just wandering if there would a big difference between a sanyo GA and Samsung 30Q. both unprotected.

There is a bit of difference since the 30Q is a high drain and the GA is a high capacity.

I like to use HKJ’s battery comparator. Load up both batteries, set it to show 5A and you can see that the 30Q will have less voltage sag giving you more regulated run time. The GA will give you more unregulated runtime.

In the real world you might not notice these differences. Both are good batteries.

I would stay away from the Panasonic NCR18650B, though. I had this picture already so I figured I’d post it.

Even at 3A, the Panny B has big voltage sag. At 5A the sag is even greater. The GA, 35E and MJ1 are all good high capacity cells if you need max runtimes down to the low voltage protection.

I prefer sticking to high drain and swapping batteries once it gets down to 3.7v or 3.6v.

Just ordered now, one CW with holster and sony VTC6 thanks Martin thanks Neal.


I filled out the form this morning. Anything I need to do except for waiting for the code?

You just need to wait for Martin to send you the purchase info. He’s in Austria so he might be asleep right now. Are you in the same time zone?

Still, if you signed up this morning it seems like he should have sent you the info earlier today. There are plenty of lights, so no need to rush. I’m sure he will contact you soon.


  • 1 x GT Mini CW
  • 2 x C8 Sheath
  • 1 x VTC6

Thank you Martin & Neal!!! :beer:

Well, yes…actually Austria and Germany are in the same time zone and very close together. We even speak the same language. :wink:
No need to rush…I can certainly wait. I was just a bit suprised how many people wrote today something like “yeah, just ordered”, so I was wondering if there’s anything else to do from my side.
Thank you JasonWW!


I’m still looking for a runtime on high estimate - would this calculation give a good approximation? 3000mah = 3ah, 3ah/4.5a = 0.66hr, so 40min on high.


Do you have an estimate at what voltage the 30Q will fall out of regulation?

It’ll be more complicated than that because at some point the voltage will drop below the threshold required to maintain the 4.5A current draw. At that point, brightness will start decreasing, but so will current draw.

End result is the total runtime will be longer than 40 minutes, but the runtime at max brightness will be less.

Keeppower 18350 1200mah
they said aspire is from the same factory

Paid earlier today for 1x NW + shorty tube.

Thanks Neal, Martin, and Lumintop!

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