WTS: Calibration lights for DIY integrating spheres / lumen tubes - 67 € -

I’m looking forward to how that sounds like :slight_smile:

Google manages to pronounce it perfectly:
Click the speaker icon https://translate.google.fi/#fi/en/maukka

No, it doesn’t mean tasty. That would be maukas.

I’ll continue providing these if there’s demand and there’s enough of a supply of suitable cheap lights.

I have now ordered enough lights for 30 kits.

The first batch of S2+s hasn’t yet arrived in Finland but should next week. After I’ve tested those, I will PM the first people on the list with payment information.

Thank you for putting this all together maukka. Please add me to the list for 1 set.

Quite a few news articles have appeared recently about the Finns being the happiest people on earth, this one seems to go into a bit more depth than most:

Seeing pictures of maukka’s workbench/space certainly helps me understand the whole concept better, as I know I’d be a heck of a lot happier if I had instrumentation like that!

Nice to see it all being put to good use for the benefit of man/womankind by sharing the peace-of-mind that comes from having properly calibrated equipment with the rest of us.

I’ve been wanting to ask you the same question djozz….???

:smiley: djozz should be pronounced as if I were a really cool dj (there actually is a belgian dj who is not me but who calls himself djozz) , but my actual name is Jos which is pronounced close to “ioss”.

Errr…Ummmm. I’m still a bit confused. Are you saying the whole thing should be pronounced as one word that sounds like “ioss” The D would be nearly silent? For the “ioss” the “I” would lean toward having a “y” sound?

Yes, no ‘d’ is pronounced in the dutch j , yoss would perhaps be most correct.

Definitly in.You have some serious kit there Mukka.

Learn more here at BLF than I did in high school :student:

I was going to say something similar.

I will admit, I have not had a clue how to pronounce either name and just kind of had the rough sound in my head that I knew had to be wrong lol.

Me to as far as learning more… it is probably because I pay more attention here on BLF though. :person_facepalming: . :smiley:

I never knew how to pronounce either name…. I just knew the spelling. :wink:

So say we all.

The flashlight world covers so many different sciences.

You have electronics, computer coding, machining, optics, emitter design, battery design, battery charging and discharging design, marketing, sales, production, etc…

You can learn a lot here! Lol

And to most people it’s just a flashlight. :confounded: . :person_facepalming:

What about this pronunciation: https://translate.google.fi/m/translate#mt/en/djozz :slight_smile:

Sounds good, I support that one :smiley:

I propose this:

Oh wait, I’m not a weirdo.

All right! Payment sent and looking forward to getting these two lights.
Thanks again for this service Maukka. The BLF community is awesome.