AWTACT Giveaway Round 1 (1/8) 5 Winners Posted! TM36 + U21vn + DD2R + S1 + M20 (Closed)

I am in

I’m in. :slight_smile:

I’m in

I’m in.
Cool collection of flashlights.

I’m in!

I’m in.

Thank you!

I’m in……thanks

I still don’t own a u21 yet. And your giving away a vn version! How nice of you for this huge giveaway. Thank you

I’m in!

I’m in.

Thank you for giveaway :+1:

This is going to be one for the record books of BLF I think!

I am IN! Thanks Bruce for this generosity

I am in. Thanks Bruce,

I’m in!
Thanks for the GAW!

I am in. Thx.

I herd you were doing a giveaway ...

I'm in

I need a good thrower

I’m in.

Pharmacist to a customer: “Sir, please understand, to buy an anti-depression pill you need a proper prescription… Simply showing your marriage certificate and wife’s picture is not enough!

I’m in.

Good idea!

Im in!

I’m in, thanks Bruce.