The Daily Joke Thread

97% of all statistics are made up on the spot

What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?


:+1: … :smiley: . :smiley: . :smiley: . :smiley:


A man thinks his wife and his best friend are cheating on him. To he goes to his frind to confront him. But the friend categorically denies, saying: “I’m not your best friend”.

Light Hacks

Life hack: Wait for an advanced civilization to be briefly distracted, then sneak in and construct a slightly smaller Dyson sphere inside theirs.

A person who always disturbs you is the person who always loves you.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everybody’s garden!

Don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t lie. The government hates competition.

I have decided to keep my past behind, so if I owe you money… Sorry, I have moved on.

I hate it when people ask me, ‘do you have a bathroom?’ No. we pee in the yard.

I am just a step away from being rich, all I need now is money.

I hate when I plan a conversation in my head and the other person doesn’t follow the damn script.

Follow your heart but take your brain with you.

We all deserve a little more laugh in our life. Why not try to read these funny quotes to let you laugh?

/\ Those are good miumiu6, welcome to BLF. :+1:

Post #1500!

(at the moment)

"Repair or Replace"

"Just make sure all your friends and family are out of the car, or that you've made backup friends and family at home."

Post # 1501

Yeah baby

Bad Opinions

"I thought of another bad opinion! I couldn't find anyone who expressed it specifically, but still, the fact that I can so easily imagine it is infuriating! I'm gonna tell everyone about it!"

I went to a dermatologist because my finger prints were missing. He said I should of went to a optometrists.

Tectonics Game

"They're limiting the playtesters to type A3 V stars, so the games will all end before the Sun consumes the Earth."


"I'm glad to hear they're finally redefining the meter to be exactly three feet."

Update Your Address

"This is my four-digit PIN. It was passed down to me by my father, and someday I will pass it on to you. Unless we figure out how to update it, but that sounds complicated."

One late evening a young man and a big girl leave a bar at closing time. The girl invites the man to a night cap. The man agrees. After downing some coffee, destilled and clothes its time for action. Both are a bit reluctant. You have brought a tiny trumpet, says the girl. True, says the man, but no one has told me I had to play Carnegie Hall.