Thrunite Catapult V6 (mini thrower) // Full reveiw

Yes.Will they ship to Canada at a reasonable price or are you getting them elsewhere? Shockli 5500 is also the same cell and so is the KP 6000mAh.

Thank you wolfdog1226. I will have them sent to my US shipping point. Less hassle, cheaper, and I’ll get them quicker.

Here is a beam shot of the Catvn V6 1988L/194Kcd

I cannot see it.

EDIT: I get a 404 error.

asks me to sign in to my Google account then shows an error


I do not seem to be able to get a video on here from my Google account. All my pics and videos from my phone go to Google photos.Then I copy/paste on here and I am the Only one able to view it.

Next time, upload to YouTube…

Thanks NL. I knew I needed to do that but kept trying w/ google photos!

I hope this works,CATvn V6 NW 5000K 1988L/194Kcd w/ average video on my camera!

Thanks for the video… why do you have to double click again at 1:05 ? Was there a stepdown?

I did the thrunite catapult v6 lumen test using Texas ace tube. Enjoy.

upload pic

I want to make sure it was on turbo. It steps down at first ~ 2 minutes,then about every 75 seconds after that. That is with the Orbtronic 5750 battery,same as shockli 5500 cell.[PLB 55A]

Thanks for the testing,that is almost the exact numbers on mine,turn on and 30 seconds. But V54 used the Thrunite battery for my specs. Shockli/Orb. probably a bit higher.

New V6 video w. special guest coming up. Probably tomorrow because it still is not on my Google photos yet.only on my phone.

Time to go to bed here in the suburbs of Philly,SUPER BOWL CHAMPS! Time will tell,they may do it again! :sunglasses:

General thought here first. We all have to make best with what we have. In this case our video equipment and locations. I have some of the best locations with ZERO light pollution on these dark and isolated hiking trails.No city or Suburban lights. I just wish my video equipment[my phone!] was better!

Here is my V6 video w/ a special guest.My video recording was not the most stable as I was focusing more on my special guest!

I just noticed in the OP review, turbo to LVP shutdown was 90 minutes. Thrunite says 150 minutes but reality is 90 minutes which is -40% from specs. Doesn't make any sense for manufactures to make such exaggerated claims on run times. I was making a spreadsheet of run times for all my lights and was looking at reviews and came upon this one.

Can anybody please measure the diameter of the catapult v6 mcpcb shelf or provide dimensions of the square mcpcb? Thanks

32.95-33.00mm shelf diameter, 23x23mm board.

Did you measure the driver diameter?

Of course.

Thank you!!

Your welcome.