WowTac A4 "Thrower" // Full Review

Great review thanks. Ordered one to gift.

Yea I have been thinking what I might do later on with this one. As Wolfdog mentioned the output and beam is almost identical to the Cat V6 (which I have also) so no telling what possibilities might lay ahead if or when I decide to mod the A4.

You are welcome Wolfdog and thanks also.

Yea I agree it will be a preference thing between the A4 and the V6. I am sure the V6 may have a little better following due to the shorter design and onboard charging though. If someone is looking mainly for run time then the A4 may win out on that point and the price , with it now listed for $39.95 on Amazon.

Glad to do the reviews and thank you.

On a side note. I hope your friend and your Aunt heal quickly. :smiley:

My Dad wad 82 when he got quintuple bypass surgery and he was 85 when he broke his hip! His heart actually healed better than his hip!

The hip got infected and it took almost 6 months to fully heal.


I forgot to ask.

Does the A4 have a step down? If so when?


Thanks again.

Yea it gets harder and harder as we get older to get over things that took only a short time when we were younger.


Your efficiency was faster than my edit!

I forgot to ask.

Does the A4 have a step down? If so when?

I didn’t even think to check that when I was Testing , so I just went and checked…….it stepped down at 4 1/2 minutes to High mode and the hottest point I found with the laser thermometer was at 124 F.


Not bad,~ twice as long as V6 initial step down.

I wonder if it has a timed or thermal step down?

Also, what the successive step down times would be if I kept bumping it up like a good turbo freak that I am!


I have used the V6 for 35 minutes straight and constantly stepping back up every 60 to 90 seconds to turbo. Temps ~ 74 to 80F outside. Only turned it off once to change the battery!!

I will try to check it later on and see what it does.
Got Ribs and Brisket on the pit right now and I have Chicken I have to start not long from now.

Sounds good,both the food and your work! I am hungry now! :laughing:

That’s informative review man thanks for it.

Thanks and glad to do it.

OK Wolfdog……….

I have done a few test between trips out to the pit……lol

I am not sure if this Turbo step down has 2 different timers or if it has the first “timed” step down and then goes on a thermal step down.

The initial step down after letting the light cool stays at the 4 1/2 minute mark but , when you go right back to Turbo mode without letting the light cool down , it stepped down the next three times bumping right back into Turbo at 90 seconds , with the temperature on the outside of the head at hottest point being at the 134 F mark.

Thanks for all of your efforts,I hope you enjoy your dinner! :+1:

It was found and was mentioned earlier in this thread by Muto , but I was hesitant to go ahead and post it out right in the thread myself , because I thought maybe a typ-O had been made or possibly a mistake on the price of the A4 on the Wowtac / Amazon store site.

It DOES look like the price will stay at the $39.95 , at least for the time being on the Amazon store site.
That is $10.00 less than the A4 originally was selling for on the Amazon or Wowtac site.

In my opinion that makes the A4 a pretty good deal to get this really good quality smallish thrower.

Here is the link again for the A4 on the Amazon / Wowtac store site…………

EDIT: Amazon Also shows “FREE” shipping on the A4.

Thanks for the tips KawiBoy……………

For those who might not have the tools or the knowledge to get the A4 apart and need or want to use shorter cells there is another more simple fix that can be used…………(mine is firmly glued where the base of the head comes apart)

Just take a slightly smaller spring , turn it upside down and put the small end on top of the original spring and solder those together and it should work fine.

Wanted to resurrect this thread. For all intents and purpose this light is a Catapult V6 with a different battery configuration. I have since bought a couple more of these and modified them with a 4000k and 3000k LED from The warmer tints tend to blend the artifacts that the bezel produces from the notches and makes this light fabulous. I will try and post some pics of the different beam shots soon. has super fast shipping (2 days in Conus) and their prices are extremely competitive.

Thanks for the pics, any recollection what the driver diameter is?