*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Thanks for your thoughts TK, and what if a boost driver would be developed, can that still have all the features of a 7135 driver?

lets go with the FET, most people dont care about 10% average efficiency gain for a more compley and costly boost driver

PB0 enable of Boost USB and the opamps
PB1 3000k
PB2 voltage divider 220/47k for LVP
PB3 switch over 1k
PB4 5000K

If we need the 7135 chips for the button LED and the FET struggles with low currents why don’t we just use a combined FET+1 design?

Well actually… :stuck_out_tongue:

* GD&R *

Tint changes with current, and is usually best (whitest) when the current is in the medium-high range of an emitter’s power capacity. Tint is generally worst at very low power levels, or when the emitter is heavily overdriven, but fine anywhere in-between.

Here’s a video of a single emitter changing color due to different power levels being used. The light on the right is alternating between 350mA constant current and 350mA via a pulsed FET. The light on the left is only there for reference. http://toykeeper.net/torches/blf-a6/tintshift.avi (sorry for the bad video, I should re-do this demo sometime)

For the lantern, the risk is using too little power, causing unnecessary tint shift because the emitters aren’t running hot enough to get to their ideal range. If it’s only 1.4A total, split across 4 to 8 emitters, that’s 175 to 350 mA per emitter at the highest brightness. This is low enough to get some tint shift, but not a lot. However, a constant current driver will get worse tint shift as the total power goes down, while a PWM driver keeps a constant tint.

But between a linear FET or a buck/boost driver, tint shouldn’t be any different. They both shift the same way at low levels. The only style which doesn’t is PWM.

At least the effect doesn’t seem particularly bad on the LH351D. I notice it a lot more with XP-G2.

It doesn’t work that way. It wouldn’t really help anything.

The linear FET’s extra pin is needed because of how that type of circuit works.

With a 7135 chip design, a pulsed (PWM) signal goes from the attiny chip to a set of 7135 chips, turning them on and off at about 16 kHz. This can be detected by measuring equipment but is invisible to the eye. It looks like a steady brightness level, and it mostly “just works” without issues. The 7135 chips don’t care about the pulse voltage, they only care about whether it’s on or off.

With a linear FET design, a PWM signal goes from the attiny to a circuit which averages it into a smooth analog voltage. At 4.2V and 50% PWM duty cycle, the output signal is a steady 2.1V. This tells the FET how much power to allow through. But the same 50% duty cycle on a low battery at 3.0V only averages out to 1.5V. So the brightness changes with voltage.

To avoid the problem of brightness changing with voltage, the attiny needs to receive a constant input voltage. Let’s say that’s always 5.0V exactly, using some magic on the VCC input pin. Then a 50% duty cycle always averages out to 2.5V, and the brightness stays the same regardless of whether the batteries are full or almost empty.

However, this means the attiny has no idea whether the battery is full or empty. So we have to add a second connection to the battery, to allow the attiny chip to measure battery status. This uses up an extra pin.

I see over 4V for about 600 mAh which is 18% of capacity, not 1/3.
Voltage decreases pretty much linearly to 90% capacity, from 4.15 to 3.4V. Then it falls off the cliff.
Over that 90% capacity, with Vf of 2.82 linear driver is about 75% efficient. Over the last 10% it’s about 91% efficient.
Overall efficiency is more like 78%.
A 95% efficient driver would increase runtime by about 22% in the lowest modes, less in the higher ones.

Is there any chance of using PB0 and PB1 for 3000K and 5000K, and PB4 for USB/opamps? The chip likes having the two PWM channels on PB0 and PB1. I’m hoping for something like this:

         Reset -|1  8|- VCC
 (PB3) eswitch -|2  7|- voltage divider (PB2)
   (PB4) opamp -|3  6|- 5000K (PB1)
           GND -|4  5|- 3000K (PB0)

Otherwise, the second PWM counter gets involved, and it runs at a different speed, and things get a little weird.

Also, how slow can the PWM signal can be without causing problems? I usually underclock the MCU at low levels to make the bottom of the ramp more efficient, but I’m not sure that’ll work with a linear FET.

If I understand correctly, the 7135 version might be something like this?

         Reset -|1  8|- VCC
 (PB3) eswitch -|2  7|- USB enable (PB2)
 (PB4) aux LED -|3  6|- 5000K (PB1)
           GND -|4  5|- 3000K (PB0)

I´m in for one!

Thanks for the clarification ToyKeeper :+1:
I actually thougt that we need one of the 7135s to drive the button led :person_facepalming: , I really shouldn’t read this while doing something else…

I didn’t say over. I said average. The midpoint of the voltage of the first ~1200mAh at a low discharge current (which it will be because there are 4 in parallel) is ~4.0V. My numbers were right for the scenario I outlined.

A constant current boost driver can be PWM’d. Some of them can also change the LED drive current without using PWM. As I stated, the use of a boost driver doesn’t cause any tint shift issues that weren’t there before.

I stand corrected

I thought you meant to say that with GA and Vf of 2.82, average efficiency of linear driver would barely scrap 70% over entire discharge.
Now I think you meant over the first 1/3 of discharge.
Is that correct? If no, could you clarify how did you come up with the number? It’s quite different from mine.

Fair enough. The BLF GT uses both methods — current control for 10% to 100% power, and PWM below 10%. But it needs two pins to control one power channel… one for current and one for on/off. That’s what the lantern was going to do while using DEL’s design, before the tint ramping was added.

I’m guessing that a boost design for the lantern would keep the cells in a 4P configuration, but the emitters would be two channels each configured as 2S2P? That should keep the voltages far enough apart for a boost to work. And then instead of burning off excess voltage, the driver’s heat would instead come from voltage conversion.

great discussion over the past few pages, I learned a bunch.

You should try compensating in software instead. You could recover a pin and the drain of the voltage divider. And you no longer need the magic circuitry for VCC either.

wrong a boost driver needs also Vcc 2.8V and voltage divider for the MCU

reason is it needs an analog control voltage to set the output current

to use all solutions with CC+PWM on both channels would simply need an MCU with 7 or more free pins

I trust ToyKeeper’s opinion on stuff like this and based on her list alone, it looks like the AMC driver has more pros than the FET driver.
However, it seems like the majority of votes so far have been for the FET driver. I’m not knowledgeable enough to understand why.

Can anyone explain their reasoning for wanting the FET over the AMC?

I voted before seeing all the details. I still wonder how/if we can be assured of getting the “raptor claw” AMC chips. I am only think I know what I have read on here, and my impression is that one can not guarantee getting these parts in general. But that may be if one is buying in small quantity from Chinese stores. Lexel thought the FET was a better choice, and he has lots of experience designing drivers, so there is something to be said for that as well.

Two established, experienced people, two different points of view. :question:

Good work Toykeeper. Lexel mentioned he can make a prototype or two at a cost, or it may be possible Barry can get one or two built to send to you for testing.

The boost driver is just out of question because of higher costs? What costs are we talking here? 5$? 50$?