*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

You can’t really see the difference between R9080 and R9090. Thats a tiny difference.
Also, the 5000K Optisolis that Maukka tested was above the BBL. So even these aren’t perfect.

Yes, but if we don’t use a boost driver we would have to put all those LEDs in parallel. Since they all have slightly different Vfs they would all be driven at different currents. With so many LEDs in parallel the lifetime of some of them might be reduced.

Good point.

Pretty cool to use Optisolis leds. Half a year ago I suggested using a bunch of 3030 midpower leds and did not get much acclaim. In the current phase I do not think it is a good idea to change the led choice anymore. I hope that Sofirn can get their hands on some good tinted LH351D’s :slight_smile:

One for me please, if it’s not too late.

Phaze13, you have numbers 972 and 973 on the interest list

Sillen has number 974 on the interest list

Im Interested!

Would buy one!

I asked for 2 lights … please :sunglasses:

I’m signed up for several lanterns and am really looking forward to these. The biggest thing I care about is durability since these will be used for camping and will be bumping around in trucks offroad, etc. I don’t need the power bank, I don’t need tint shift, I don’t need a lot of the cool options and features that will come with this lantern (although I’m not against them either). What I do want is durability first and foremost.

GhostofHarry, added you to the interest list at number 975

You definitely did, and I definitely didn’t add your second light, until you reminded me. Your second is number 976 on the interest, sorry for the oversight. :disappointed:

I don’t care about powerbank function, charging function is nice to have but I can live without it, tint change is also nice but warm tint is just as good, ramping is essential, no preset modes without ramping please. Two - or more - memorized modes is very nice to have… I used that with T1, one mode for “locator” use and a second for general use for example but all memorized modes should be user selectable using ramping (eg change preset by click, click and hold to change - ramp - brightness of current mode, click to go to next mode, click and hold to program that mode and so on.


I thought I asked to be added to list a couple of months ago, but maybe didn’t, anyways, PLEASE PUT ME DOWN FOR 1!


you are number 923 on the interest list. The version in the OP has not been updated since your request, but you are on the master list for 1 presently.

You can check the “live” version of the list anytime in the links below.

interest list sorted by entry number

interest list sorted by user names

I’m in for one. Thought I’d already signed up!

It has both smooth ramping and stair-step ramping with discrete levels. In both cases, you can set the brightness of the lowest and highest levels, and for stepped mode you can also set the number of steps. This is in addition to remembering which brightness was last used. So… basically, it remembers one level automatically, and you can also tell it two or more other levels to use.

no need for Powerabnk function…. YOU DON’T NEED A PHONE WHEN CAMPING UNLESS THE CRAP HIT THE FAN… Powerbanks function is a milleniun/snowflake thing, they can learn to do without and ACTUALLY Look up and enjoy the outdoors!!!

I’d throw my name in for one. Probably regret it later and want more than one, but let’s start with one.

I would like to bu put on the list for 1 :slight_smile:

I’m not a millenium or a snowflake, and I use my camera/map(yes I have paper maps as well)/note taker/reader/etc when I camp, backpack or bike ride. I actually look up and enjoy the outdoors also.

My response has nothing to do with this lantern, just providing an alternative point of view to those who may have not considered it. :person_facepalming:

Just one example of how one can use one of those nasty phones while on a 20 day backpacking trip taken a little under a year ago after a early season snowfall in the Sierras. Bonus points if you can identify the prominent feature:

If you had I missed it, but you are on the interest list now at number 977

blammergeier added to the interest list at number 978. And welcome to BLF! :beer:

CrashOne added to the interest list at number 979.

Point taken and I do agree was mostly refering to those types when I run Expodition’s am for ever having to get them to stop and JUST LOOK… Most of the Young ones can’t function without there face glued to a phone etc… And almost die when battery is dead… And without even taking a photo!!! I use a power bank when away for just making sure I have power when needed and like you I take photo’s with my S6 Active…

Stunning pic by the way!!!