Hi Pigperm, welcome to BLF

I have been using the Olight ORB-163P06 (RCR123A ) protected cell in my M3, if that is any help, My cell measures about 34.5mm long.
This is the Amazon listing Olight cell

I don’t possess the M3-pro yet but chances are pretty good this cell will fit the M3-Pro as well.

I am not completely sure of what I’m saying, but to get the full power out of the M3, unprotected cells are required. That cell from Olight is protected.
Here you can read that it doesn’t work well on the Olight S1R Baton (900lumens) due to protection kicking in. [Review] Olight M1T Raider (500 Lumen, Tactical EDC CR123A) - #12 by rookiedaddy

The M3-Pro has, supposedly, more lumens, so I’m afraid that won’t give you enough power to feed that light on max!

Agreed, HKJ’s test / review of the Olight cell is here

While not the best cell for this light it fits into my M3

Interested in the M3 Pro - Full Pack - CW.


Interested in the M3 Pro: Full Pack – NW

Thank You

I couldn't get your link to work. I'll try it using the advanced post editor.

Olight battery review

Same here.

Is the M3 PRO the smallest rechargable 16340 light?

Nop, the Olight S1R Baton is smaller! However, it is recharged by a proper magnetic cable !

EDIT: And it is only rechargeable with a specific battery from Olight!

It also has a thin TIR lens instead of a taller reflector just to shorten it.

Cool pic. You can tell the reflector takes a lot of space, then I guess there’s no recharging circuit near the driver which also saves space. They really crammed it tight. Lol

Interesting M3 pro cw full pack

The S1 mini isn’t rechargeable (wish it was :person_facepalming: ) , but does it take in-built USB rechargeables?


Nice :smiley: Thank you! I was just asking cause I thought that due to size it would not take them ! Being that way is nice :wink:

Okay, it’s the S1R that has the magnetic charger base. It seems to be a few mm taller than the S1 to it’s right.


Avoid battery with built-in charger. My brand new KLARUS went into self-destruction when i kept it in the box alone for less than 3 months.My other Nitecore NL1826R anode became hot (>50°C) when i removed from a Nitecore light. Top plastic cover deformed by the heat.

I don’t know if you can say that all brands of this battery style are bad based on just 2 examples.

Have you figured out the cause of those battery failures? Was it anything to do with the charger circuit or was it just bad batteries?

I don’t have any of this battery style simply because I don’t like having to take the battery out to recharge it.

freeme, can you post it here Flashlight with in-built charger OR flashlight + battery with in-built charger? ?
Or can I quote you to put on that thread?