FBI shut down sunspot observatory

They just accidentally photographed a weather-balloon.

That’s the official story and they’re sticking with it.

That thread is disturbing. Too many people hoping for the end of the world? Apparently because some of them want to feel justified in shooting other people?

I guess I know the feeling, at least as a teen, but I’ve tried not to invest myself in it.

The whole thing is a like a Rorschach test.

It seems pretty plausible to me that they unintentionally ended up imaging or other sensor data about some classified program, by the US, an ally, or someone else. The involvement of the post office seems odd, but that may just be a logistical issue.

Less plausible, but unsurprising would be, as I joked above, that it is an attempt to stifle or co-opt climate science.

But, like I said, its a Rorschach test, and what I find plausible probably says more about me than anything else.

AR15.com has 450,000 registered members, less active, so we run through the spectrum of exceptionally brilliant to below tarded levels.

It’s actually fascinating entertainment at times. I only read page 1 and 26, so I can’t speak to all of the comments.


Crazy stuff for crazy times.

Guess we do need a Space Armada™…

Better than showing them Hillary

Time to bring in Fox and Scully.

Amen to that!! :+1:

And much better than showing them this…


Can we stop bashing politicians?

I’m all for that, but I didn’t draw first blood.

Possible theories:

  • Foreign government attempted to hack into the observatory (but why when they can see everything from space, unless its a backdoor to some military servers)
  • Anthrax mailed to the facility (haven’t heard of that in a long time though)
  • Observatory inadvertently or purposefully took pictures of a top secret satellite in orbit
  • Aliens: but I would imagine the government would be sending in Top Secret, Seal Team 6 dudes that wipe out the facility and make everyone disappear


  • Someone at the facility found dirt on Hillary Clinton and she had them “suicided” :expressionless: LOL (just kidding)

LOL I’m a member over on AR15.com as well, and even build my own rifles… but its amazing how paranoid/schizophrenic/ridiculous people can get.

“They won’t be able to walk the streets.”

Wait firedome, if your location is correct (Skagen - Denmark); and the aliens show up there: you’d probably do better showing them to your local mayor…. Birgit Hansen.

Let them start small & work their way up to the big leagues… :wink:

+1 Same here.

You rock!

Hollow Sun?

:smiley:I have my moments. :wink: Especially when someone with ‘no dog in the hunt’ takes a cheap shot.

I’m 100% with you my friend.

/\ …. :+1: :beer: